High School DxD Vol 14 Chapter 4

High School DxD Vol 14 Chapter 4

Life.4 Go, Occult Research Club & Student Council!


We, the Occult Research Club, and the Student Council members are gathered in the old school building. The [Bishop] Kusaka-san from the Student Council is on standby in a different room so she can exchange information with the staff from the alliance.

Shinra-senpai gives her report to everyone.

“The repair of the damage done to the school will commence now. All students have been sent home. Regarding the ones who attacked this school, the staff from the Three Great Powers who are working in this territory are searching for them now.”

Kaichou speaks right after Shinra-senpai.

“……The device that Azazel-sensei left behind which can control the memories of the students came in handy. The memories of the students who have been attacked by the magicians have been changed into the fact that “trespassers came onto the campus, and the school has been suspended temporarily”.”

So it’s the device they used to alter the memories of the students when 300 of my doppelgangers were going wild on the campus. In that incident, we thought it may not be a good idea to leave those memories in the students, so we used the special device from the Fallen Angels to alter them.

The Fallen Angels have the technology to erase the memories of commoners who get involved with abnormal powers and other beings. Just like how they erased the memories about Amano Yuuma, Raynare, from Matsuda and Motohama.

Except, using that often will have a negative influence on their memories, so it’s better to use it while having certain restrictions to it. That’s why we changed their memories to “trespassers came onto the campus”.

“How about the memories regarding the places that were destroyed?”

Xenovia asks Kaichou.

“We have altered the memories of the students and made it so that the sudden repairing construction happens to overlap with this day. ……It was fortunate that there wasn’t a single person who left the school even though we had such crisis. It also seems like we can do something about those who took recordings of this incident on their mobile phones with the Fallen Angels support.”

That means the identity of the other beings—the truth of this academy hasn’t been revealed.

But Shinra-senpai puts on a frustrated expression.

“Except, the hearts of those students who went through such shock during this incident won’t be completely healed. I’m sure the memories of “encountering something terrifying” will remain with them for eternity. Thinking that they will spend their life without knowing the cause of it…… the ones who attacked us, I won’t forgive them!”

The female student who was used as a hostage……

The memories about the magicians have been altered. But the trauma of being attacked by a scary person might remain in her heart. And she will spend the rest of her life not knowing why that is……

It’s the fault of the magicians. But, isn’t it also our fault?

……It’s because we couldn’t stop them…… To begin with, this school itself is—

Saji rests his hand on my shoulder. He is shaking his head.

“Hyoudou. Are you perhaps thinking that “This school itself is operating while deceiving common people”? I understand your feelings, but right now I’m more concerned about Toujou Koneko-san and the other two who were abducted. Right?”

“Yeah, I know.”

Yeah, rescuing those three who were abducted is our first priority. But……I can’t hide how shocked I am. The Kuou academy at noon, which I thought was absolutely safe. There was a time when Kuou academy became the battlefield in the fight against Kokabiel at night, but I never thought I would encounter terrorism during my normal school life.

……With a little mistake, there was a chance that Matsuda and Motohama may have become victims. Since they are related to us who are Devils, I come to realise once again that they are standing next to the possibility of danger. That’s why I thought about the Kuou academy itself once again……

By the way, I tried to tell Kuroka and Le Fay who are at the Hyoudou residence about this case……but I couldn’t contact them. I thought I should inform them about Koneko-chan who was abducted, but the one who answered the personal communication magic-circle in our house was Ophis who is looking after the house, and according to Dragon God-sama—,

“Kuroka and Le Fay, they returned after being called by Vali.”

That seems like what happened. They sure aren’t present at crucial times, those half-lodger girls!

……Huh? Called by Vali? Did something happen? We got assaulted, and they got assaulted as well? No, it can’t be…… Actually, Vali isn’t important right now!

When I tried to calm my mind, Xenovia says this next to me.

“So are the culprits the “Stray Magicians” who are targeting those related to the Phoenix together with those from the“Khaos Brigade”?”

“Must be.”

Irina says. Yeah, I also think the same.

“What do you think, Rossweisse-san?”

I try to get the opinion of Rossweisse-san who is a magic user.

“Yes, judging from the analysis of the traces of magic—”

She is interrupted when the ring tone of a mobile phone echoes within the room.

It seems like the ring tone is coming from Rossweisse-san.

“Cough, I’m sorry. Hello……”

Rossweisse-san answers it by making a cough. ……Who is it from? When I became curious—

“O,Oba-chan! Whatz wrong? Did something happen?”

G-Granny? Also it seems like her words have some accent in it…… That wasn’t just my ears, and Rossweisse-san continues to speak in countryside dialect!

“Ya, me in important meeting now. Wha? Job? No worry, me, doing well. Oba-chan no need to worry, ya know?”

The meeting has been halted because of Rossweisse-san’s dialect, and it became a situation where everyone has shock in their eyes!

That’s because she was a cool beauty (100 yen maniac) who seems to match well with the city, but now she’s speaking in a countryside dialect!? Of course we will be shocked!

“Boss of me place me work now, she is important person, and ya know me salary is better than me earlier job ya? So, me can send me money over there, ya know. No prob, no prob! Nothin' is in the countryside, ya? Buy somethin' with the money me send ya, and if ya doing well, me is happy with that, ya know?”

I open my eyes wide, and Asia tells me.

“I heard this a while ago, but it seems like Rossweisse-san is sending her money back to her homeland and……”

Xenovia continues after her.

“I heard her homeland is a place where there is nothing. Since her grandmother is living there alone, it seems like she is sending the money she earned from her job as a Devil.”

Irina also explains.

“Since her parents are warriors who serve the Norse Gods, they rarely come home, so she told me that she was mostly raised by her grandmother. That’s why she is a granny’s girl. Her dream is to build a discount store in her homeland which has every good imaginable.”

Seriously? It’s my first time hearing about this. She’s a granny’s girl, a countryside girl, and she is also sending her an allowance……! That’s why she is so attached to money!

More importantly, she wants to build a discount store in her homeland…… So the reason why she is fixated with 100 yen is due to that reason.

“……I found out about this for the first time. Rossweisse-san’s dream.”

While muttering it, I can’t help myself but to feel fellowship from the former Valkyrie who is showing more of her character.

Damn you, geezer Odin! For you to leave such a good person like her……! But, it’s certain this is an unfortunate side of her! They can settle the problem by saying that the one who was ditched was just “Rossweisse-san”! But she is a good person!

Rossweisse-san who has finished talking on the phone coughs.

“……I’m sorry. I never thought I would suddenly receive a call from home…… Also, I asked my grandmother, who was a magic user, about a spell which could break through powerful security……and she gave me quite a severe opinion. I did think that it is a possibility as well……”

“What would that be?”

When I ask Rossweisse-san,

“—a traitor.”

Sona-kaichou answers instead. Everyone’s gaze concentrates at Kaichou.

……So a traitor huh.

“This whole region is under the jurisdiction of the alliance of Three Great Powers, and there are many staff members here besides us. There is a powerful barrier within the whole town while having this school as the focal point, and it’s made that anyone can be notified if someone suspicious steps foot in this area. There is a factor where it is hard to find them if they enter by hiding themselves, but it will be restricted by the few possible ways of coming inside here. First is to enter by force. This is possible for those with strong enough powers. But this method of entering will give them away immediately, so that's not what happened in this incident.”

Yeah, if someone dangerous like that comes in, even we will notice their presence.

Sona-kaichou continues.

“The second method is a case where the person who lives in this town or one of the staff leaves the barrier and gets captured where they get controlled to enter here. Regarding this method, we didn’t get any response from the civilians, the students, and staff. If that’s the case, then it means the traitor became the middle person to allow them to enter the school.”

“Is such a thing possible?”

Sona-kaichou narrows her eyebrows. It certainly seems like it is a severe opinion.

“It will be possible if it’s the core members who can pass the barrier without a problem. In other words, only the core members from the Gremory group, Irina-san, Ravel-san, we the Sitri-group, and Azazel-sensei, are the ones that can arrange such a large scale assault.”

“Are you saying there is a traitor among us!?”

Saji shouts. His face says that he can’t believe it. Me too, Saji. There’s no way I can believe it. For there to be a traitor among us who went through life and death situation together——.

Kaichou who heard Saji’s shout, puts on a gentle expression.

“I also don’t believe there is a traitor. But the culprit is someone we can’t let our guard down against. We also don’t know whether their target is Ravel Phoenix-san. Though, we are not so naïve that we will let this go through. Now, about Toujou-san and the other two who were taken away—.”


The [Bishop] Kusaka-san appears while interrupting Kaichou who stops her explanation there.

Kusaka-san who has the attention of everyone says while feeling nervous.

“……We have received contact from those who abducted the first years of the Occult Research Club.”

The situation starts to move!

Part 2


We, the Occult Research Club, and the members of the Student Council have come to the station nearest here.

The reason for this is that the culprits have contacted us and told us to come here.

What they said was,

[If you want to take back Toujou Koneko, Gasper Vladi, and Ravel Phoenix, come to the underground station with only the members of the Gremory-group, Shidou Irina, and the Sitri-group.]

That’s what they said. ……It was a message which specifically told us to come.

Underground station. That must be the station connected to the Underworld located under the basement of the station nearest to here. During summer holidays, we entered the Underworld using the train located in the basement of this station. ……I never thought they would be there.

Kaichou mutters in front of the station.

“I never thought they would choose this place. The staff are investigating the other underground spaces used specifically by Devils……and there has been several traces of magic. There have been traces that they have been using it to hide themselves temporarily.”

“So they have been digging into the underground from the land and then trespassed by coming from the underground? Or did they trespass from the Underworld side—the train route? By passing through the dimensional gap……?”

I ask but Kaichou shakes her head to the side.

“No, it probably wasn’t either method. Just like I thought, was someone used by them……? I don’t think this area was trespassed because of a traitor……”

It seems like Kaichou is thinking hard while putting on a serious face.

……Well, if they trespassed from the Gremory territory of the Underworld, then that will mean that the Gremory allowed the trespass of the culprits and it seems like the situation will become more complicated.

We gather in front of the elevator. Kaichou says while looking at all of us.

“The staff of the Underworld and Heaven have surrounded the area around this station. We also have closed the dimensional gap for the train located in the Gremory territory of the Underworld. We still haven’t found out the true intentions of the enemy and what they are planning……but what’s left is for us to meet them in person.”

So it means the preparations are set. The enemies are already caught like a rat in a bag. I don’t know what they are planning to do, but we have closed their escape route. ……No, they are people who can trespass into this area, so they may have prepared an alternate escape route…… But if they are waiting for us, it means they aren’t thinking that much about escaping.

Either way, my objective is to retrieve our abducted juniors!

“Who will be taking leadership of the Gremory group?”

Xenovia asks. Then Kaichou fixes her glasses.

“That won’t be a problem. Due to the emergency, I will be taking leadership of both the Student Council and the Occult Research Club. Rias also has left the command to me.”

Sona-kaichou will be taking leadership! Oh, somehow, I feel that I have a strong support now!

“You may feel confused with your [King] being absent, but all of you will obey my command, yes?”


We, the Gremory group, answer her at the same time! Of course! If it’s Sona-kaichou, then we don’t have any problems!

Kaichou asks Xenovia.

“First, Xenovia-san. Out of the seven abilities of your holy-sword, how many of them can you use?”

“I don’t have problem with Destruction. Thanks to the training, I can also use Mimic, Transparency, and Rapidly. But, I'm not at a level where I have mastered using them. Using Nightmare and Blessing will be hard since they have bad compatibility with me in terms of their abilities. Ruler which is the hardest difficulty to use is even harder. I can’t rule others at all.”

“This time, there will be restrictions to our battle since we will be fighting underground. The influence of severe destruction will collapse the building and land subsidence. We have to avoid doing our strong and flashy attacks. ……The situation is different, but it's similar to the game of Sitri VS Gremory. We have to avoid causing destruction as much as possible. So please refrain from causing unnecessary impact as much as possible. If it is needed, I will give the order.”

Yeah, it’s just as Kaichou said. We can’t cause that underground station to be destroyed. So it means we can’t do excessively powerful attacks. It certainly is like that match against Sitri.

After that Kaichou asks the condition of us, the Gremory group. It seems like she will be planning some improvised tactics.

―But, there is one thing that has been in my mind.

There is one unfamiliar man with large build standing at the Sitri’s side. He is a foreign man. He has grey hair where his fringe is long, and his eyes are hidden. But he kinda has a handsome face. He is really strongly built. It’s about the same as Sairaorg-san.

I ask Shinra-senpai timidly.

“U-Umm, who is that huge man standing there……?”

“Oh, this person is a student enrolled in the college department of Kuou academy, and he is Sitri’s new [Rook].”

Sitri’s [Rook]!? Seriously, a new servant!? I got shocked since I found out about it so suddenly!

On top of that he is a person from the college section of Kuou academy! So there is a person with such a good build. Hmm, there are so many things I’m not aware of!

The man says it in few words with a boorish response.

“……Call me Loup Garou.”

He mutters like that. Shinra-senpai continues.

“We call him Rugal-san. So please call him the same as well, Hyoudou-kun. Rugal-san, we will leave the backup of the outside area to you for this one.”


The person called Rugal leaves this area after that.

……I-I see, so he will be taking care of the outside in this case. That is also a proper task. There may be enemy reinforcement coming from the outside.

《Master, it seems like the preparations for the surrounding area have been completed.》

I hear an unfamiliar voice! When we, the Gremory group, look around finding for the person whom the voice belongs to, we stop our sight at the ceiling of the station!

Sitri’s magic-circle appears on the ceiling of the station, and a head appears from there upside down!

And that person is—

A small built person wearing a skull mask dressed like a Grim Reaper! Hey, that clothing, that’s definitely a Grim Reaper!

“G-Grim Reaper!”

When I shout while pointing at the ceiling, Kaichou says it.

“This one is my new [Knight]—.”

《……My name is Bennia. ……I’m a former Grim Reaper.》

A small built Grim Reaper falls down from the ceiling, and lands on the ground perfectly!

At the same time Grim Reaper-san takes the mask off! And the face of a girl that seems to be in junior high school appears! A cute girl with sleepy eyes! She has long dark purple hair and golden eyes.

And the symbol of a Grim Reaper in her hand, the scythe, has cute looking decorations on it!

A loli! A loli Grim Reaper holding a scythe!?

“G-Grim Reaaaaper~!? And it’s a giiiiiirl!?

Kaichou nods to me, who is currently in shock.

“Yes, Bennia is a Grim Reaper. Even though I said that, she is a Demigod. Half Grim Reaper and half human.”

“She says that she is the daughter of one of the Ultimate-level Grim Reaper, Orcus. Shocking, right?”

Saji adds an extra bit of information. ……E-Even if you suddenly say that, I don’t get it!

“……I did hear you have someone in mind for [Knight] and [Rook], but a Grim Reaper……”

Rossweisse-san also stares in wonder at the appearance of the small built girl Grim Reaper.

Yup, I’m also in shock. Who would ever think that Sitri’s new [Knight] would end up being a Grim Reaper!

Shinra-senpai shakes her head to the side.

“No, we had someone else in mind for our [Knight]. But, we couldn’t arrange for a meeting with that person. And then she appeared and—”

《I’m changing sides because I can’t follow Hades-sama’s way of doing things anymore. Will you consider making me your servant?》

—She came negotiating it like that.

It seemed that for a moment Kaichou thought she might be a spy from Hades’s side, but Kaichou tilted her head thinking there wouldn't be such a daring spy like her.

“I had so much suspicion towards her, but I decided to trust her because of one fact.”

I ask Kaichou.

“O-One fact……?”

Then the loli Grim Reaper pushes an autograph paper toward me.

《Boss Oppai Dragon. I’m a big fan of yours, Boss. Look, I have so many embroideries of Oppai Dragon behind my cape. Can I ask you to give me one of your signatures? 》

E-Even if you show me embroideries like that…… Ah, there really are many embroideries of me wearing armour!

Wait, she is a fan of mine!? I have another one after Le Fay!

“My fan……?”

I ask while signing.

《Yes, plus I didn’t like the ways of my shitty dad and Hades-sama so I left home.》

So that means there are many types of Grim Reaper? It seems like the God of the realm of the dead also has many house issues.

“It was fortunate that it was enough with a single [Knight] piece.”

Kaichou says it like that. Truly, that was a bargain.

《My blood from mother’s side is stronger, so I’m that amazing.》

Loli-girl says that but……it seems like her character is strong. In terms of both her characteristic and ability.

Kaichou then says to the loli Grim Reaper.

“Bennia, just like Rugal, can I leave the backup of the outside area to you?”

“Yes sir, master. I will be on standby outside with that brother who joined in at the same time as me.”

Saying that the loli Grim Reaper, Bennia, activates the magic-circle below her feet and disappears by sinking into it like that. ……She sure does use an amusing way of passing through the magic-circle. So instead of teleporting when the light bursts, she goes through it by sinking into it.

Kaichou makes a small sigh.

“I’m very sorry that it turned into an introduction of my new servants right before our important plan…… Things like these sure do happen at bad times.”

“No, it was actually a good thing, it helped me loosen up a bit.”

That’s how I truly feel. I didn’t have that much confidence because I have to retrieve my juniors from enemies whose identities are unknown, but my tension softened in a good way from being introduced to the additional members of the Sitri.

So does this mean that the only pieces of the Sitri’s side left are the 3 [Pawn] pieces? I did hear that Saji is worth 4 pieces, and Nimura-san is worth 1 piece.

Kaichou then asks me.

“Now, Ise-kun. How is Ddraig’s condition?”

“The truth is, not so good. He wakes up at times, but he sleeps most of the time. He’s sleeping right now, and he isn’t giving me any response. I can make the normal gauntlet appear, but I’m not in my best condition.”

Rather, I was finally able to have the gauntlet’s ability work just before. So I’m able to double my power and use Gift. I was able to use my armour form during the training, but it seems like I can’t use it right now…… Since Ddraig hasn’t recovered completely, my power is too unstable……

“So, it means Balance Breaker is impossible right now. Understood. Then let’s go with a plan where Boosted Gear Scale Mail isn’t involved.”

“I’m sorry.”

……Shit, I’m so ashamed at myself since I’m useless at such a crucial time. I was asked to take care of home while Rias is absent, but I have been feeling ashamed at myself continuously……

Kaichou smiles at me who is feeling down.

“There isn’t a single reason for you to be apologising, Ise-kun. You are the hero who saved the Underworld. For the part where you can’t give your all, we will just have to make up for it. Also, you worked too hard within this short period of time. Truly, you worked so hard that I am ashamed at myself and feel that we were lacking in strength.”

Not just Kaichou, but the members of the Student Council are also nodding.

“You should rely on us at times, Hyoudou. We are rivals during the game. But we are comrades during real battles. We want to protect the Underworld and Kuou academy as well after all.”

Saji makes a big smile. ……Yeah, you are right. You are exactly right.

Sona-kaichou takes my hand.

“That’s why, we will lead you today. I’m not Rias, but please trust me for now.”

[Yes, of course!]

Everyone in the Gremory group responds! Yeah, the enemies shouldn’t be looking down on us who are from the Kuou academy!

Kaichou asks me once again.

“By the way, how many times can you use Gift?”

“It will change by the strength of how much my power has doubled, but if its 20 times then I can do it with ease.”

Hearing that, Kaichou says it to me after thinking for a while.

“Very well. Then Ise-kun will—”

Being given the details of the plan, we go down to the basement using the lift—.

We reach the basement, and progress through the station made specifically for the trains which head to the Underworld.

We passed through the spacious atmosphere, and when we went to the right and to the left through the passage—.

I can suddenly feel a dangerous presence. ……There must be enemies waiting for us once we reach the end of the passage we are walking in right now.

We confirm it with each other with our eyes, and make the formation of charging in.

For the offence—the vanguards are Xenovia, Irina, Saji, [Knight] Meguri-san, and [Rook] Yura.

The middleguards are me, Akeno-san, Rossweisse-san, Shinra-senpai, and [Pawn] Nimura-san.

The rearguards are Sona-kaichou, Asia, [Bishop] Kusaka-san and Hanakai-san.

The formation is set so the close-range type members are positioned as vanguards, the members who fight from long-range are positioned as middleguards, and the rearguards consist of members of support-types and the person giving commands as the centre pillar.

Since I can promote without Rias’s authorisation, I promote to [Queen]. Saji and Nimura-san also promoted to [Queen] with Kaichou’s authorisation.

After the team’s formation was set, everyone puts the Underworld’s communication item into their ears. It’s something which replaces the earphone and microphone. It’s used mainly in Rating Games. Using this will make it easier for us to communicate between each other.

Once we signalled each other for the final confirmation with our eyes, we progressed through the passage—.

The place we set foot into is an open space of the basement we entered for the first time.

It’s a spacious place as large as the underground station. And the ceiling is also located up high. ……I never thought there was such a place like this. I wonder just what kinds of territory are hidden within this basement.

Then when I looked ahead, there are so many of them, the groups of magicians that is!

Every one of them are wearing magician’s robe. There are many varieties of robes, but I have confirmed the robes worn by the ones who assaulted the school.

We took our distance, and confront them.

……Just from a simple look, aren’t there more than a hundred of them? There are quite a number of monsters which seem to have been summoned. Just how many of you have gathered here!?

Rather, we allowed this many enemies to trespass into this town. ……It’s quite problematic.

The female magicians—witches, can’t be confirmed with a simple glance! It’s just guys. Yeah. They won’t be included in their formation if they know the power of my Bilingual. Their plans will be revealed after all.

I say it while pointing at them.

“We came like you told us. Where are my juniors?”

My voice echoes through the basement. They are either laughing or shrugging their shoulders. ……A response which is looking down at us. My mind is filled with rage, but I need to be calm. My weakness is that I charge ahead without being calm when my comrades are in danger. Sensei also pointed that out to me just recently as well.

One of the magicians steps forward.

“Oh my, if this isn’t everyone from the Devils. For everyone from the Gremory and Sitri of the “Rookies Four” to come here for us, it’s such an honour.”

Kaichou asks.

“What are your objectives? Phoenix? Or is it us?”

“Both of them. Well, we are treating the lady from the Phoenix with care. We were ordered by our leader to do so.”

Leader? Who might that be?

Leaving me who is feeling dubious, the magician continues.

“The issue regarding the Phoenix is done, and what’s left is the thing with all of you. –We can’t help ourselves but become concerned about it. The strength of all of you that were rated by that shitty chairman Mephisto and the shitty association. This feeling, can you understand it? You can’t right? Well, it’s natural of us, wanting to test ourselves and see if there are strong young Devils, right? For those who use magic in such rough ways like us.”

That magician clicks his fingers.

Then, every one of the magicians activates a magic-circle for attack-type magic!

“Let’s start! Devils! The decisive battle of demonic-power VS magic that is!”

That became the signal for the start of the battle! The many magical attacks with different attributes of fire, water, ice, lightning, wind, light, and darkness, are released towards us! The herd of monsters they have under them also come charging at us!

While being under the violent rains of an immeasurable number of magical attacks, Kaichou orders us through the communication device.

[—Now, let’s show them. The power of the young Devils—. Let’s make them regret turning the Devils of the Kuou academy into their enemies.]

Hearing such a declaration, Xenovia leaps forward!

She makes a big swing with Ex-Durandal, and she slams down the many magic attacks headed this way with the holy aura!

Rossweisse-san who is the middle-guard also shoots her fullburst, and supports Xenovia’s attack! The herd of monsters that are charging this way are vaporised in one hit from Rossweisse-san’s attack!

With the combo attack of Xenovia and Rossweisse-san, most magical attacks and several monsters are taken down, but the magical attacks that have escaped the attacks are still coming this way!

[Rook] Yura who is the vanguard stands in front of me. She makes something appear in her hand—.

A huge shield! Yura shouts!

“Expand! My shield, [Twinkle Aegis]!”

That moment, the glow spreads from the shield and changes into a giant shield of light! It’s a giant shield of light that takes half of the space we are in! It’s like a beam shield!

The magical attacks that got through our counter attack pierced the shield—but it’s unscratched!

Quite a number of magical attacks have got to us, but the shield doesn’t crumble even though it withstood them! It’s a really hard shield!

I then get a call from Sona-kaichou.

[That is the artificial Sacred Gear we received from Azazel-sensei. By making a pact with a fairy, then having it reside in the shield, it is able to change its ability.]

Making a pact with fairy, and changing the ability of the shield! More importantly, it’s Sensei’s artificial Sacred Gear huh! Thinking now, the Student Council members did say they would be receiving artificial Sacred Gear!

By combining it with the defence of a [Rook], it does seem like it will pull out an insane amount of defence!

Having the many magical attacks and monsters which came charging at us stopped, a certain commotion arises from the group of magicians. They probably didn’t think all of their attacks would have been stopped with only few moves.

[—We will be moving into offence.]

With Kaichou’s merciless command, we begin our advance!

[Ise-kun, please move around the battlefield all the time with the Skithblathnir just like I told you before.]

I receive the order from Kaichou. Yes, that is what she told me to do before we came down here.

If I can’t use Balance Breaker, then I will fight in a different way! What I can do right now is to use Gift on my comrades!

[Once I give you an instruction, it will be very helpful if you use Gift to that location.]


I make the magical ship—Ryuuteimaru appear, and grab onto it. Ryuuteimaru continues to fly around while having me hang onto it. Oh, it has amazing horsepower and strength despite having me hanging onto it! I’m ashamed I can’t fly with my Devil wings in my base form……but I will leave my support to you, Ryuuteimaru!

So I will start doubling my power so I can use Gift any time! Ddraig, I hope you will be awake soon!


The Vanguards, which consists of Xenovia, Saji, and [Knight] Meguri Tomoe-san, charge forward. Xenovia demolished the magical attack along with the magicians with a strike with destructive power! The thing Meguri-san is carrying is……a Japanese sword type artificial Sacred Gear? It looks like the light and darkness are blended!

[Tomoe’s artificial Sacred Gear is a katana-type version of “Blazer Shining and Darkness Blade”. I think the formal name of it is “Blazer Shining and Darkness Blade Samurai-sword”.]

Kaichou tells me while muttering like that! Seriously!? So Meguri-san’s Sacred Gear is from the Black-history! But that has a very high attack power, it can even cut down spirits that don’t have physical form as well.

“Geez! Kaichou! Please don’t use that name! But, this is really strong!”

Meguri-san uses the sword which has a mixture of light and darkness to take down the magicians from above their defensive magic!

Meguri-san, why did you pick that one!? Because of its features? W-Well, it has incredible destructive power, and it can even cause the wall and the floor to be grazed from the wave of the slash! Like I thought that artificial Sacred Gear is strong!

If I remember correctly, the godfather for all of the names of the artificial Sacred Gears is Sensei! He is a former Governor who still can’t forget the mind of an eighth grader!

“I won’t lose to Xenovia!”

The one who is wielding the mass-produced holy-demonic sword, while gliding in the air by spreading her pure white wings is the other vanguard, Irina. She is also shooting out a laser filled with the power of light.

Next is Saji. He is making the enemies bathe inside the black flames which is hard to de-curse, the Blaze Black Flare.

“Just stay there all together!”

He covers several magicians with a wall of black flames! Yeah, the black flames appear from every direction, and stop the magicians like a wall that surrounds them. The activation requirement will be fulfilled when they come within Saji’s range, and wall of flame appears around the place enemies are standing.

One of the Vritra-type Sacred Gear, [Shadow Prison]—.

Vritra’s curse of fire swirls inside it, and they will have their movement sealed. And it makes those who have been captured suffer gradually by the fire’s heat—. On top of that the [Delete Field] will be added onto it, and they will have their magical-power taken away.

Once you get captured within that prison, you will continue to be captured until all of your power gets taken away—.

Saji also sends many lines, and connects them to the magicians!

“I will transform all of your magical-powers into demonic-powers!”

Yeah, Saji’s original ability will play a big role in this. He originally connected the [Absorption Line] to his enemy, and absorbed their powers away. He even absorbed their blood—

There are already more than ten lines. The magical-powers flow into Saji through the lines!


“Something like this!”

The magicians try to cut the line attached to them with magic, but it didn’t have any effect. His line is tough after all. You won’t be able to cut it so easily!

Then the black flame passes through the lines and attacks the magicians!

……So you will be out of options once you get caught by Saji, huh. The line and the prison, if you don’t have the strength to slip out of it, then you are completely sealed. On top of these abilities he still can transform into a Dragon-King……

He really is getting powerful as a technique-type, that guy Saji!

[Ise-kun, can you hear me? Please transfer your powers to Saji!]

Kaichou’s command, that’s what I have been waiting for!


I am flying around in the air while holding onto Ryuuteimaru, then I dropped down to where Saji is and transferred my multiplied power into the lines!

Saji let go of the lines which were connected to him, and then connects it to the middle-guard, Rossweisse-san! The lines are linked between the magicians and Rossweisse-san!


Several lines make a violent motion the moment I transferred my powers, and the magicians magical powers flows rapidly into Rossweisse-san!

Magicians that had their magical powers absorbed faint and just drop to the floor! Instead overwhelming aura is pouring out from Rossweisse-san’s body!


When I get shocked by the way the lines were used, Kaichou says this.

[The lines ability to absorb magical powers has been enhanced. At the same time the line will be connected to Rossweisse-san. –We also have magic users on our side, so we should utilise this situation.]

She sure understands the traits of me, Saji, and Rossweisse-san very well!

[Originally the line could have been also connected to Gasper-kun. We could have absorbed the blood from the opponent by connecting the line to the opponent and Gasper-kun. After all, the line can also absorb blood. The opponent will suffer blood loss and Gasper-kun will power up by absorbing blood. There were also such methods as well. The problem will be Gasper-kun’s lung capacity……so I will ask him next time.]

Kaichou! Just how many ways to fight have you researched!? Aren’t you too good at using our group!?

“Nimura! I will leave my back to you!”

“Please leave it to me! Genshirou-senpai!”

Having Saji say that, the one who is using swift footwork to punch and kick the magicians bare-handed is the middle-guard, [Pawn] Nimura Ruroko-san. She moves in to support Saji.

Nimura-san has armour only on her legs. And a strong aura jets out from there, it seems like it’s giving her incredible speed and kicks. An artificial Sacred Gear equipped on her legs!

Nimura-san goes within the enemies range and makes a swift body movement. It’s a dancing-like attack-style!

“Chi! It’s harder than we thought!”

The magicians are also astonished with the variety of Saji’s attacks, and they change their target.

The magicians have directed their hands towards Xenovia who is attacking heroically.


They summon several Chimeras with summoning magic, and they start to attack Xenovia! The giant bird type Chimera which is flying in the air, and the snake type Chimera which is crawling on the ground! Xenovia makes a stance with her holy-sword, and increases the holy aura.

—Then, the third Chimera appears by breaking through the floor! A turtle-like Chimera with a shell! Xenovia takes down the turtle-type Chimera with an attack using Excalibur Destruction!

—But, its shell is harder than expected, and possibly because its shell is more complicated due to it being a Chimera, the sword is stabbed deep within and it doesn’t seem like it can be pulled from it anytime soon!

—She has her sword sealed!

Then the Chimera which is flying in the air and the Chimera which is crawling on the ground attack her!

Xenovia makes the shape of Ex-Durandal change just before being hit! It’s the power of Mimic!

Xenovia swings up the holy-sword which is like a whip, and cuts the Chimera that is flying in half! The moment when it makes an impact, a shock which feels like an additional destruction follows after it!

But the snake-type Chimera is still remaining!

Xenovia changes the blade from a whip to its original shape, and increases the speed of her sword! She cuts the snake-type Chimera in half with its incredible speed! It seems like additional destruction is also added to that swing just now, and a crater is formed in the floor from the wave caused from her swing!

A rapid succession of Mimic, Rapidly, and Destruction. Xenovia has just used three of the characteristics of her holy-sword.

The magicians are in shock seeing that!

[She isn’t a power-idiot!?]

They shout that at the same time! Xenovia, just how is she rated in the world of magicians!? No, she was a power-idiot! But even she is also growing!

“Ku! Then I will strike with magic!”

One of the magicians creates a fireball using magic, and releases many of them! The herd of fireballs is moving through the air freely as if it has a mind of its own!

Xenovia tries to vaporise it with her holy-sword, but the fireballs dodge just before being hit, so she couldn’t take it down. Ah, that’s an attack-type that Xenovia is weak against!

Then Kaichou gives her command.

[Xenovia-san, use the power of Ruler.]

“But, Kaichou. I can’t activate the ability of Ruler that well. And what are you planning to do by controlling the magicians?”

[No, you are wrong. Ruling doesn’t necessary mean that you can only control living things.]

……What does she mean? Even I don’t get it!

Kaichou says it to Xenovia who looks like she will be hit with the fireballs which are flying in the air!

[Xenovia-san! Direct the ability of Ruler towards those magical fireballs! Think strongly. That, you want to stop those fireballs! If my prediction is right, the aspect of your sword will go one more rank up!]

It seems like Xenovia is concentrating on something as Kaichou commanded while putting on a serious expression! Then the holy-sword glows as if it is responding to her!

Next moment, the fireballs which were heading towards Xenovia stop their movements, and remain still in their position!

……Did she stop it with the power of the holy-sword? She stopped it by ruling over the magic!

Xenovia is also in shock with its result.

“……There is also a way to use the power of Ruler like this…… Kaichou, what does this mean?”

[It’s just as I thought. Most likely, the things you can rule over aren’t just limited to living things. You were able to rule over the magic for a bit just now, but that isn’t the only thing that it is capable of. Depending on the way you use it, you should be able rule over any phenomenon. If that is hard, then at least think of controlling the attacks from your enemies. Or you can support your comrades when their attacks miss.]

“……So I can disturb the enemies attack with it, and support my comrades.”

[Yes. Looking at the abilities straightforwardly is good. But, depending on how you use it, you can use it in many ways. The way you used the power of Ruler just now is a good example.]

I'm still shocked at the way Sona-kaichou’s commands are working.

You are amazing, Kaichou. She even thought up of a new move for our group. ……This battlefield, just what kind of imagination is she using inside her head?

“Also target the leader of the Sitri!”

The magicians also concentrated their attacks on Kaichou! They are trying to take down the brain!

But, around Kaichou—and also the other rearguards, a strong blue barrier comes out. –The one who activated that is [Bishop] Hanakai Momoe-san!

“I won’t let you take down Kaichou and the rearguards.”

Bracelets appear on both her arms. And those bracelets are emitting auras.

A barrier-type artificial Sacred Gear! It seems like it has a wide range since it can cover the whole group of our rearguards!

So it means the rearguards won’t go down without a fight huh. Haha, with this, the vanguards will be able to fight without any worries!

But the magicians don’t care whether the barrier is up and resume their attacks! Several magicians appear and disappear instantly, and keep on using simple teleportation by appearing and disappearing! They went through our formation and close the distance to Kaichou!

“Heh! Here, eat thiiiis!”

The magic-circle appears in the air upside down, and a giant rock appears from it! It’s huge! If something like that drops on the rearguards, even Hanakai-san’s barrier won’t last!

“Ara ara, I won’t allow that.”

While making a fearless laugh, that person shoots demonic-power towards the falling rocks—.

An enormous thunder and light attack in the shape of an eastern dragon pierces the rocks!

Flashes of lightning and the sound of an explosion occurs, the rocks easily break in every direction! A large fragment of rock is about to fall from above our head, but the Raikouryuu moves around the air as if it has its own mind, and it devours the fragments into it!

Akeno-san is smiling while having electricity running through her fingers! The things growing from her back are the six wings of a Fallen Angel. She has a golden bracelet with magical symbols equipped on both her arms.

“—Raikouryuu. Because I have been taking in Ise-kun’s ki with my own body, I have become able to use a special technique like this.”[1]

Seriously!? So since you were sucking in a Dragon’s ki, the thunder and light changed to a Dragon!? And didn’t it just move as if it has its own thoughts!?

“That [Queen] has openings in her defence!”

The magicians haven’t flinched even if the rocks have been destroyed, and they release their next attack!

They shoot out many lights in the shape of an arrow! Light is poisonous to Devils! And it seems like the density of the lights is strong! Being directly hit by it is bad!

Without any worries, Akeno-san uses defence……by activating a magic circle, and blocks all of the enemy attacks! Oh, instead of a magic-circle from demonic-power, it’s a magic-circle with magical symbols and marks on it! Akeno-san used magic just now!

“Ufufu, it’s a defence spell taught directly from Rossweisse-san. I will enhance my trait as [Rook] with this.”

So she increased her trait as a [Rook] like Rossweisse-san by having defensive magic spells. Normally, Devils that are [Rook]s increase their traits with demonic-power and magic defence spells.

Koneko-chan also has been defending by using demonic-power, but since she hasn’t mastered those areas yet, she can’t make up for it that well. Akeno-san is the same, and since she is better in attacking, she found out that she lacks defence from her fights with strong foes.

Akeno-san is [Queen]. She has the abilities of [Rook], [Knight], and [Bishop]. But, a [Queen] will have their strong points and weak points when they are using the traits of the 3 pieces, and there seems to be compatibility with them as well, so the ability they are good at using will differ by each person.

For example when I use Triana, [Rook] will be the one with the best compatibility with me, and my compatibility with [Bishop] is bad. That’s why it turned out to be just a mere type which specialises in gunfire. This is also the same when I turn into True-[Queen].

Akeno-san is the opposite of me and isn’t good with the trait of a [Rook]. For that reason, she had many disadvantages in terms of defence. Of course, the trait she is the best at using is the [Bishop].

But since we have had many battles with strong foes, she has started to overcome her weak points and has started to get stronger by learning defence-type magic! She made up for her lack of defensive demonic-power by acquiring magical spells!

“Now then, I have to punish the children who have done naughty things!”

Akeno-san puts on her sadistic face, and she defeats the bunch who tried to attack Kaichou by using fire and ice demonic-powers! The fire and ice also have the shape of a dragon! So sucking in a Dragon’s ki will give people such effects huh! Or is it because it was Sekiryuutei’s ki?

[Those magicians are experts who were able to pass through our formation……but it seems Akeno has improved herself by using the experience of her losses in the Rating Game.]

Kaichou says. Yeah, Akeno-san worked so hard after all! Even her overall score in the Rating Game was rated quite badly, so she was feeling depressed. It seems like she was thinking of ways to improve herself daily by discussing together with Rias.

Kaichou then gives her command!

[—Oh, Ise-kun! The next step! Please transfer your powers to Rossweisse-san!]


My role is to fly around in the battlefield by using Ryuuteimaru while Kaichou gives her command, and transfer my power of Sekiryuutei to my comrades! Then Rossweisse-san released her Fullburst of magic the moment she received my powers!

The magicians in the front line are quite exhausted! We can pull this off!

“Aim for Sekiryuutei!”

There are magical attacks that are released towards me who is currently flying in the air—. But many masks appear and act as a shield as if supporting me. There are many masks with different shapes floating in this whole space.

“Look, and then protect. That is my Sacred Gear.”

The one who says that is the [Bishop] Kusaka Reya-san.

[Those masks that Reya is using is an artificial Sacred Gear that can be used for searching for the enemy, gathering information, and to act as a shield.]

Kaichou gives an explanation like that. Oh, it feels like I can fly around the battlefield while feeling safe! More than that, the members of the Sitri-group have quite the variety of abilities!

[Ise-kun, please transfer your powers to Tsubaki this time!]

I received the next order! I went flying towards Shinra-senpai! –But a giant mass of ice which takes up one third of this field gets released from the enemy’s side!

When I saw the mirror that Shinra-senpai has activated, I understood what our next move will be.

—A counter! Shinra-senpai’s Sacred Gear can return the attack received by the enemy with double of its impact!

[An enhancement of a counter. By having the power of Sekiryuutei added, it can even counter back that magical attack!]

I transfer my power to Shinra-senpai just like Kaichou commanded!

The mirror of her Sacred Gear makes a glow, and changes its size enormously!

[Tsubaki! Please counter it back to them with an impact which won’t affect this basement!]

“Yes, Kaichou!”

The huge iceberg collides with the mirror which has now become bigger! A huge explosive sound echoes throughout the battlefield, but the destructive power of the ice returns back to the magicians right away!

The mass of ice that has been shattered falls on top of the enemy’s formation by turning into large fragments!

“Shit! The ice!”

“It’s useless! They are piercing through the magical defence because the power has increased from the Sacred Gear’s ability!”

There are many screams from the magicians.

All the fragments of ice falling down on them have Shinra-senpai’s Sacred Gear ability applied onto it and the attack power of it has been increased.

The group of magicians are basically annihilated after receiving the counter attack just now. Many of them have been blown away towards the wall and floor, and they have become unconscious.

“Kaichou, it’s completed!”

Saji shouts! What’s appearing from his right arm is a thick line.

[Well done, Saji. Connect it to Ise-kun, and scatter them!]

Just like how Kaichou orders him, Saji throws the line at me. It attaches to my gauntlet, but what is he going to connect it with? The line connected to my gauntlet gets disconnected from Saji.


It responds just like Saji orders, and thick line scatters into many lines! More than a dozen lines twitch as if they are alive, and spread to every direction as if finding something to attach themselves to!

The direction where the lines head towards to is—all of my comrades in our formation! They connect with each and every one of them, and my gauntlet is connected to everyone through the lines!

Kaichou then says.

[With this, Ise-kun’s power to transfer can be passed to everyone through the lines. Ise-kun, please step back to the rear. Your last job is to transfer your powers to everyone once you have doubled your own powers.]

Gift using the line! T-This certainly will be easy! Since I’m connected to them, I don’t have to move around anymore! Once I have finished doubling my power, I just have to flow it into them. It’s alright for me to step back now!

Kaichou continues.

[It would have been better if we used this method from the start……but it took time to make sure the line will be strong enough to receive the power of the Sekiryuutei, who is also going through evolution. If we make an unreliable line, there will be nothing left if your power explodes while transferring to everyone. The strength of the line has been shown when you transferred your powers to the line when it was connected to Rossweisse-san and the magicians. And the only thing left was to make enough lines for everyone in our group.]

—Kaichou is coming to understand the way to use my powers!

I became speechless, and Kaichou says it to me with a bright voice.

[The compatibility between Ise-kun and Saji is too good. It was really fun building tactics for it.]

Sona-kaichou, you are very reliable when you are on our side!

[Looks like it is our win for the first battle.]

Just like Kaichou says, the magicians are almost annihilated with the first battle against us.

Part 3

“You will be okay with this!”

“Thank you very much, Argento-senpai.”

Asia who has finished healing Nimura-san starts to heal the next person!

The battle is overwhelmingly in our favour. You can count the numbers of enemies who are still standing, and since we are at an advantage we are moving into a phase where our injured comrades are getting healed.

I was standing at the rear after that. I doubled my power while being in safety, and have transferred my powers through the lines.

“Let’s go, Irina!”


Xenovia and Irina who are the vanguards aren’t flinching even with their wounds, and are continuing to go on a rampage.

The magicians can’t stop Xenovia who has learned how to use the traits of her holy-sword.

Irina is also fighting very well with her holy-demonic sword. From the strength of the wielder of that holy-demonic sword, it can have attributes added to it, just like Kiba.

Maybe it’s because Irina has come to master using it because she has been training with us, so she has attributes like fire, ice, lightning, and such added on to her holy-demonic sword, and now she is fighting advantageously against the magicians’ magic.

“Ara ara, even I strengthened many of my traits.”

“Well, this is still nothing.”

Then Akeno-san’s demonic-power attack and Rossweisse-san’s magical attack hits! An enormous explosion and bomb blast occurs, and it blasts away the defence magic-circle and defence-type Golems!

“Leave the defence to me!”

[Rook] Yura of the Student Council also uses that shield-type artificial Sacred Gear, and she is protecting her comrades by defending them from the enemies’ attacks! That shield can be released towards the enemies while spinning like a yo-yo. During then, it’s also possible to have fire and lightning appear from the shield to do attacks with attributes. A yo-yo which has fire and lightning surrounding it!

Kaichou who has been looking at this then mutters.

[……I see, no wonder I thought Rias’s tactics were naïve. The opponents we are fighting right now are a group of magicians who are stronger than average magicians……]

Kaichou breathes out.

[Gremory-group is too powerful. I came to realise this once again by commanding them. Rather than giving orders, your group is powerful enough where all of you can just charge forward. And normally, you who is in Balance-Breaker state and Kiba-kun will be added to them, so it makes me think you don’t need tactics. It can’t be helped if Rias starts to think that it will be better to just charge forward.]

I’m sorry! For being a muscle-brain team! Yes, we have been using simple power to charge forward!

I thought we have become a bit better after learning some techniques, but it seems like it turned into a super-power team that knows some techniques!

[Being able to fight advantageously when you are not in Balance-Breaker state, while the destructive force of Durandal can’t be used, and while Kiba-kun isn’t here…… Like I thought, what is needed for the Devils from now on are the training of our servants. We will also increase the time needed for training.]

Ah, Kaichou's glasses are glowing. Looks like harsh training will be waiting for the Sitri-group!

“I don’t want to fight the Gremory group ever again.”

“Me too. We will die if we fight them again.”

Hanakai-san and Kusaka-san says while muttering such things! Kaichou also sighs hearing that. ……No, I don’t want to fight Sitri either. After all, I found out that Kaichou’s brain is like a mysterious zone for me. And this battle happens to end while obeying Kaichou’s commands…… I think it’s a huge feat of being able to use two different teams to their fullest!

Then the magicians put their hands up as if they are giving up.

“……Alright, alright. It’s our loss. Rather, our leader is asking for you guys to come.”

The light occurs in the direction they are looking at, and a teleportation-type magic-circle appears.

“At the destination, the leader behind this assault and your juniors are waiting for you. Go already. Except, the leader is saying that Sekiryuutei, Vritra, Durandal wielder, Priestess of Thunder and Light, Holy-woman of Healing, Valkyrie, and Michael’s Ace, definitely have to come.”

The magician says it while becoming sulky.

……They had such high spirits before the battle began, but what’s with that attitude…… Well, it’s okay. Nothing will start even if I complain to them.

Kaichou takes the device out from her ear, and activates a communication-type magic-circle.

“We will call the people who are on standby above here, and capture all of the magicians.”

“Ge! You are trying to capture us!? I-It was just a joke! Just take the spellcasters of the Khaos Brigade!”

The magicians who are showing foolish behaviour. Was it the “Stray Magician” who just said that?

……No, we have casualties on our side. I can’t let it slip as just a joke! So they are telling me they assaulted us as if they were having a game……!?

Saji grabs onto the magician who just said that by his collar. I remember his face very well. It’s one of the guys who assaulted me back at the academy. Saji gives an intense glare at him.

“……Don’t fool around! Our students went through hell because of you guys……”

Saji suddenly shook his head, and let go of the guy’s collar.

“……If I act like this, I will look uncool when I said that to Hyoudou earlier. But. But……”

Saji has his fist shaking with frustration.

Before coming here, Saji told me calmly that, “Rather than thinking about the way the is school right now, you have to concentrate on rescuing Toujou-san”. But, Saji must have so much anger inside him as well.

Yeah, this guy is also one of the Student Council members who are going around the school doing his best for other students—. It’s normal for him to love the school more than anyone.

I rest my hand on Saji’s shoulder, I smile at him, and then punch the magician who was released by Saji in the face.

“If you are after someone……then come after us! Normal students have nothing to do with this!”

The magician guy is looking at me in confusion.

Yeah, Sensei, looks like I can’t stay calm if my comrades get involved in it. ……I’m sorry. But this time I feel a bit relived.

Saji makes a bitter smile.

“……Hyoudou, you are such an idiot.”

“We both are, pal.”

Seriously, Kiba, Gasper, you, and I, should have a meeting with only the male Devils of Kuou academy.

The ones who went through the new magic-circle are the Gremory-group, Irina, and Kaichou and Saji from the Sitri side. It’s just like how they wanted.

The Student Council members that remained are transporting the magicians we caught together with the staff of the Three Great Powers that are on standby above.

It seems like a battle occurred above between the staff and the magicians. It seems like the witches were using teleportation magic-circles to send rocks, earth Golems, and the monsters they have summoned to the basement. Looks like the witches that avoided my ability were supporting the magicians from the outside. Those witches were also defeated and caught.

We are heading towards the so-called “leader” while we stop feeling gloomy.

And what appears in front of us after we pass through the magic-circle they prepared is—

……Is a spacious white place.

There is nothing, just a normal white space. It’s a rectangle place where it is white above, below, left, and right.

……The ceiling is quite high. It isn’t big like the battlefield we use for our training, but it’s spacious enough that we can fight quite recklessly here.

“This place is a “factory” that we made in the dimensional gap. It’s a technique adapted from what Devils use for the battlefield in the Rating Game.”

A sudden new voice. When I look that way……

A shadow which wasn’t there when I looked around this space before is present.

There is someone wearing a silver robe with detailed accessories while being away from us. The voice belongs to a young man.

He’s also quite tall. I can’t tell what he looks like because he is wearing his hood.

……Judging from his appearance, is he a magician? When I pay attention to his move—


This time its Ravel’s voice! When I look towards the direction where the voice came from, Ravel and Koneko-chan are standing in the far right side of us! ……Koneko-chan is carrying Gasper! He seems to be down, and it’s obvious they did something to him.

Ravel and Koneko-chan aren’t held captive or anything, and they are still wearing the same Kuou academy’s uniform when they were kidnapped. ……Besides Gasper, there aren’t any visible wounds from one look at them.

“You can have them back.”

The man in the robe says that.

While paying attention to him, we wave our hands to Koneko-chan and Ravel, and urge them to come to us.

The man wearing the robe didn’t do anything while we reunited with these three.


Ravel has teary eyes.

“Ravel, did they do something to you? I heard they are searching about the Phoenix……”

When I ask, Ravel makes her body shake silently. I can see that instead of physical damage, she has received emotional damage.

Koneko-chan drops down Gasper whom she was carrying, and leaves it to Asia to cure him.

Koneko-chan bites her lips with frustration.

“……Ravel, Gya-kun, and I, had ourselves checked for something with a magic-circle. They didn’t do anything that much to our body. Except, Gya-kun……”

Gasper has his face beaten so much that it is swollen. It’s swollen in blue colour, and I can’t see that adorable face of his—.

“……Gya-kun tried to protect us and……”

Koneko-chan makes teary eyes.

Seeing Gasper’s sw

Chapter end

Volume 25 Chapter 2
Volume 25 Chapter 1
Vol 25 Pr
Volume 25 Chapter 0
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Volume 24 Chapter 7
Vol 24 Chapter 6.2
Vol 24 Chapter 6.1
Volume 24 Chapter 6
Volume 24 Chapter 5
Volume 24 Chapter 4
Volume 24 Chapter 3
Vol 24 Chapter 2
Volume 24 Chapter 1
Volume 24 Chapter 0
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Volume 23 afterword
Volume 23 Chapter 6
Volume 23 Chapter 5
Volume 23 Chapter 4
Volume 23 Chapter 3
Volume 23 Chapter 2
Volume 23 Chapter 1
Volume 23 Chapter 0
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Volume 22 afterword
Volume 22 Chapter 6
Volume 22 Chapter 5
Volume 22 Chapter 4 part2
Volume 22 Chapter 4 part1
Vol 22 Chapter 4
Volume 22 Chapter 3 part2
Volume 22 Chapter 3 part1
Vol 22 Chapter 3
Volume 22 Chapter 2
Volume 22 Chapter 1
Volume 22 Chapter 0
Volume 21 afterword
Vol 21 Chapter 6.1
Volume 21 Chapter 6
Vol 21 Chapter 5.4
Vol 21 Chapter 5.3
Vol 21 Chapter 5.2
Volume 21 Chapter 5
Volume 21 Chapter 4
Vol 21 Chapter 3.1
Volume 21 Chapter 3
Volume 21 Chapter 0-2
Volume 21 Chapter 0-1
Vol 21 Chapter .2
Vol 21 Chapter .1
Volume 20 Prologue
Vol 20 Chapter 5.2
Vol 20 Chapter 5.1
Volume 20 Chapter 5
Vol 20 Chapter 4.2
Vol 20 Chapter 4.1
Vol 20 Chapter 4
Vol 20 Chapter 3
Vol 20 Chapter 2.1
Vol 20 Chapter 2
Vol 20 Chapter 1.1
Vol 20 Chapter 1
Vol 20 Prologue
Vol 19 Chapter 4.2
Vol 19 Chapter 4.1
Vol 19 Chapter 4
Vol 19 Chapter 3
Vol 19 Chapter 2
Vol 19 Chapter 1
Vol 19 CH Life.0
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Vol 18 Chapter 5.3
Vol 18 Chapter 5.2
Vol 18 Chapter 5.1
Vol 18 Chapter 5
Vol 18 Chapter 4
Vol 18 Chapter 3.2
Vol 18 Chapter 3.1
Vol 18 Chapter 3
Vol 18 Chapter 2
Vol 18 Chapter 1
Vol 18 CH Life.0
Volume 17 Prologue
Vol 17 Chapter 5.2
Vol 17 Chapter 5.1
Vol 17 Chapter 5
Vol 17 Chapter 4
Vol 17 Chapter 3
Vol 17 Chapter 2
Vol 17 Chapter 1
Vol 17 Prologue
Volume 16 Prologue
Vol 16 Chapter 7
Vol 16 Chapter 6
Vol 16 Chapter 5
Vol 16 Chapter 4.1
Vol 16 Chapter 4
Vol 16 Chapter 3
Vol 16 Chapter 2
Vol 16 Chapter 1
Vol 16 Prologue
Chapter 15
Vol 15 Chapter 6.1
Vol 15 Chapter 6
Vol 15 Chapter 5.2
Vol 15 Chapter 5.1
Vol 15 Chapter 5
Vol 15 Chapter 4.2
Vol 15 Chapter 4.1
Vol 15 Chapter 4
Vol 15 Chapter 3.1
Vol 15 Chapter 3
Vol 15 Chapter 2.1
Vol 15 Chapter 2
Vol 15 Chapter 1.2
Vol 15 Chapter 1
Volume 14 Prologue
Vol 14 Chapter 5.1
Vol 14 Chapter 5
Vol 14 Chapter 4
Vol 14 Chapter 3
Vol 14 Chapter 2.1
Vol 14 Chapter 2
Vol 14 Chapter 1.1
Vol 14 Chapter 1
Vol 14 Prologue
Vol 13 Chapter 6
Vol 13 Chapter 5
Vol 13 Chapter 4
Vol 13 Chapter 3
Vol 13 Chapter 2
Vol 13 Chapter 1
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Vol 12 Chapter 6
Vol 12 Chapter 5.2
Vol 12 Chapter 5.1
Vol 12 Chapter 5
Vol 12 Chapter 4
Vol 12 Chapter 3
Vol 12 Chapter 2.2
Vol 12 Chapter 2.1
Vol 12 Chapter 2
Vol 12 Chapter 1
Vol 11 Chapter 6
Vol 11 Chapter 5
Vol 11 Chapter 4
Vol 11 Chapter 3
Vol 11 Chapter 2
Vol 11 Chapter 1
Vol 11 Pr
Vol 10 Chapter 9
Vol 10 Chapter 8
Vol 10 Chapter 7.3
Vol 10 Chapter 7.2
Vol 10 Chapter 7.1
Vol 10 Chapter 7
Vol 10 Chapter 6
Vol 10 Chapter 5
Vol 10 Chapter 4
Vol 10 Chapter 3.1
Vol 10 Chapter 3
Vol 10 Chapter 2
Vol 10 Chapter 1
Vol 10 Pr
Volume 9 Prologue
Vol 9 Chapter 5.4
Vol 9 Chapter 5.3
Vol 9 Chapter 5.2
Vol 9 Chapter 5.1
Vol 9 Chapter 5
Vol 9 Chapter 4.1
Vol 9 Chapter 4
Vol 9 Chapter 3
Vol 9 Chapter 2
Vol 9 Chapter 1
Vol 9 Prologue
Vol 8 Chapter 7
Vol 8 Chapter 6
Vol 8 Chapter 5
Vol 8 Chapter 4
Vol 8 Chapter 3
Vol 8 Chapter 2
Vol 8 Chapter 1
Volume 7 Prologue
Vol 7 Chapter 5.2
Vol 7 Chapter 5.1
Vol 7 Chapter 5
Vol 7 Chapter 4.3
Vol 7 Chapter 4.2
Vol 7 Chapter 4.1
Vol 7 Chapter 4
Vol 7 Chapter 3.1
Vol 7 Chapter 3
Vol 7 Chapter 2
Vol 7 Chapter 1
Vol 7 Prologue
Vol 6 Chapter 6
Vol 6 Chapter 5.2
Vol 6 Chapter 5.1
Vol 6 Chapter 5
Vol 6 Chapter 4.1
Vol 6 Chapter 4
Vol 6 Chapter 3.1
Vol 6 Chapter 3
Vol 6 Chapter 2.2
Vol 6 Chapter 2.1
Vol 6 Chapter 2
Vol 6 Chapter 1
Vol 6 Prologue
Vol 5 Chapter 5.4
Vol 5 Chapter 5.3
Vol 5 Chapter 5.2
Vol 5 Chapter 5.1
Vol 5 Chapter 5
Vol 5 Chapter 4.1
Vol 5 Chapter 4
Vol 5 Chapter 3.1
Vol 5 Chapter 3
Vol 5 Chapter 2
Vol 5 Chapter 1
Vol 5 Prologue
Vol 4 Chapter 7
Vol 4 Chapter 6.2
Vol 4 Chapter 6.1
Vol 4 Chapter 6
Vol 4 Chapter 5.1
Vol 4 Chapter 5
Vol 4 Chapter 4.1
Vol 4 Chapter 4
Vol 4 Chapter 3.1
Vol 4 Chapter 3
Vol 4 Chapter 2
Vol 4 Chapter 1
Vol 4 Prologue
Vol 3 Chapter 5.1
Vol 3 Chapter 5
Vol 3 Chapter 4.1
Vol 3 Chapter 4
Vol 3 Chapter 3
Vol 3 Chapter 2
Vol 3 Chapter 1.1
Vol 3 Chapter 1
Vol 3 Chapter 1
Vol 3 Prologue
Vol 2 Chapter 8
Vol 2 Chapter 7
Vol 2 Chapter 6.1
Vol 2 Chapter 6
Vol 2 Chapter 6
Vol 2 Chapter 5.2
Vol 2 Chapter 5.1
Vol 2 Chapter 5
Vol 2 Chapter 5
Vol 2 Chapter 4
Vol 2 Chapter 3
Vol 2 Chapter 2
Vol 2 Chapter 1
Vol 2 Prologue
Vol 1 Chapter 5
Vol 1 Chapter 4
Vol 1 Chapter 3
Vol 1 Chapter 2
Vol 1 Chapter 1
Vol 1 Prologue
Chapter 244: Life.DxD vs Life.GOD —Red Dragon—
Chapter 243: Life.3 The Battle at Yggdrasil
Chapter 242: Team member 1
Chapter 241: Vidar
Chapter 240: Balberith & Verrine
Chapter 239: Life.2 The Ocean of Milk and the Maou's [Game]
Chapter 238: Life.1 A Female Teacher's Marriage Interview
Chapter 237: Life.0
Chapter 236: Transcendental reason
Chapter 235: Secret Talks
Chapter 234: Artificial Transcendental
Chapter 233: New Life
Chapter 232: Life.5 The Death God and the Hyoudou Family's Breast Technique
Chapter 231: Slash.2 Slash Dog/Dog God of the Fallen
Chapter 230: Absolute Demise. Ice Princess
Chapter 229: Fist and Fangs
Chapter 228: Life.4 Vasco Strada and Crom Cruach
Chapter 227: Slash.1 Behind the Game —Sekiryuutei and Slash Dog's United Front—
Chapter 226: My Princess
Chapter 224: Life.3 The Truth of the Cats, and the Beginning of the Game
Chapter 223: Life.2 The God of Death and the Dog of the Blade
Chapter 222: Life.1 Bursting into Summer!
Chapter 221: Life.0
Chapter 220: Nether world
Chapter 219: Team member
Chapter 218: Vidar & Apollon
Chapter 217: The Return of the King
Chapter 216: Singularity
Chapter 215: Next Life… And so, The Seating Battle Begins!
Chapter 214: Interview
Chapter 213: Junior's preparation
Chapter 212: Each impression
Chapter 211: Life.Youth Because of this Youth
Chapter 210: Upsetting sorcerer.2
Chapter 209: Life.4 VS [Brave Saints] Begins!
Chapter 208: Team member
Chapter 207: Upsetting sorcerer.1
Chapter 206: Life.3 Before the Decisive Battle
Chapter 205: Life.2 Dragon Attracts Dragon
Chapter 204: Life.1 A [King] From Now On
Chapter 202: New Life
Chapter 201: Life.5 Go, the Sekiryuutei Team!-2
Chapter 200: Life.5 Go, the Sekiryuutei Team!-1
Chapter 199: Team Members
Chapter 198: Life.4 The Opening Ceremony of the Rating Game World Tournament, the “Azazel Cup”!
Chapter 197: It Begins Feast
Chapter 196: Life.3 Gremory's Graduation Ceremony
Chapter 195: Life.2 And thus, to a High-class Devil
Chapter 194: Life.1 Those of us that were left behind!
Chapter 193: Life.0
Chapter 192: Farewell Temporary
Chapter 191: Eternal Life. Amidst the White Snow
Chapter 190: Last.DxD Ani and Otouto[1] —United Front—
Chapter 189: Life.Lucifer Dawn of the Morning Star —Death Match—
Chapter 188: Determination
Chapter 187: Life.2 Team [DxD] Attacks!
Chapter 186: Life.Ba'al Lion of the Great King —Great King—
Chapter 185: Life.1 Amidst the Feast of the Imperial Beast
Chapter 184: Khaos Disaster
Chapter 183: Encounter. The White Dragon and Black Angel
Chapter 182: Deterrence
Chapter 181: The Beast 666
Chapter 180: Last Life... Poetic Justice
Chapter 179: Life.3 Hyoudou Issei-2
Chapter 178: Life.3 Hyoudou Issei-1
Chapter 177: To be Infuriated
Chapter 176: Life.2 The Truth of the Feast
Chapter 175: Parents
Chapter 174: Life.1 A Restless Career Consultation
Chapter 173: Life.0
Chapter 172: Faker
Chapter 171: Top Secret
Chapter 82: New Life
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
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