Dragon Emperor, Martial God Chapter 194

Dragon Emperor, Martial God Chapter 194

Chapter 194: Display Of Her New Identity

It had been 45 minutes since the recess bell rang . Since it was the end of the school day, the school was extremely lively and noisy . Yet, the place outside of Grade 12 Class 1's door was unquestionably the most packed yet also the most secretive place in the school right now .

Everyone seemed to have been startled, looking like they had seen a ghost . With their mouths and eyes wide open, they were staring straight at the unbelievably handsome Ling Yun and the incredibly beautiful Ning Lingyu . The conflicting feelings in their hearts could not possibly be put into words .

In less than a week, the good-for-nothing Ling Yun who was once impoverished and fat as a pig had majestically transformed into a super handsome and wealthy alpha male!

Excluding his studies, Ling Yun was way ahead in every single aspect compared to Xie Junyan . There was no way that Xie Junyan could compare to Ling Yun in any matter .

"Well, at least there's something that he's not good at…" Xie Junyan knew that he was not on Ling Yun's level on many aspects, but just this aspect allowed his full-blown jealousy to subside .

"What a pity that Ling Yun's studies aren't good . If not, he would be perfect . . . "

There were a lot of girls that couldn't help but feel unjust for Ling Yun . It was as if they had failed their entrance exams .

However, Ling Yun had just said he was just going do whatever he wanted to in the future . That did not include studying for university . There was no point in someone like Ling Yun entering university anyway .

Zhuang Meina was staring intensely at Ling Yun handsome's face . She could feel her heart beating faster . It was getting out of control, as if her heart was going to jump out of her chest .

Zhuang Meina had a thing for Xie Junyan . She liked that he was handsome . She liked his demeanor . She liked his family background . Yet now, with Ling Yun in the picture, Xie Junyan was unquestionably out of contention .

Zhuang Meina didn't care about Ling Yun's subpar studies . For people that were on his level, there was really no point in studying other than making themselves look good on the surface .

Ling Yun had saved a bunch of people and single-handedly taken on thirty men . He also took in Tie Xiaohu as a disciple . Now, Ling Yun was incredibly handsome and rich but was also shockingly generous with his money . Zhuang Meina was totally captivated by all of this and could not stop herself from falling for him .

Zhuang Meina was obviously someone that changed crushes her easily . When Li Qingchuan returned to school, she was one among his many dazed and obsessed fangirls .

Ling Yun was better looking than both Xie Junyan and Li Qingchuan, so it was unsurprising that she would fall for him

If Ling Yun was to be less awesome, Zhuang Meina would unquestionably pick Xie Junyan as before . As a result, she would have been jealous of that Xie Junyan secretly crushed on Ning Lingyu .

However, Ling Yun was at a level of awesomeness that Zhuang Meina simply could not resist . She did not see the point in caring about whether Xie Junyan liked Ning Lingyu or not .

She was just a helpless teenage girl fantasizing about Ling Yun . That was why she surprisingly did not say anything about the brother-sister duo . Her face became red and she could not help but imagine herself as Ning Lingyu . She wished that she was in Ning Lingyu's shoes .

She was definitely jealous of Ning Lingyu, but now it had nothing to do with romance .

Zhuang Meina could not resist sneaking a glance at Xie Junyan who was just standing not far away . She felt that the only thing the only thing he could trump Ling Yun at was the little bit of family power he had .

Xie Junyan thought otherwise . After seeing this scene, a fire sparked and raged ferociously in his heart for the first time in his life .

Zhung Meina was merely just his plaything . He could not get Ning Lingyu and hence he settled for her . It could have just been a way to gain Ning Lingyu's attention because he could really care less about Zhuang Meina .

At school, Ling Yun had been a nuisance for Xie Junyan these past few days . Ling Yun had displaced him from his former status and position in these mere few days . Xie Junyan was now the laughing stock of the school .

The word on the street was that Xie Junyan did not go against Ling Yun . If he decided to do so, he would face the same outcome as Gou Junfa — to be trampled on .

While Xie Junyan might be devious and enjoyed backstabbing and manipulating people from the shadows, he was very tolerant . However, this was not a good indicator of his temper .

Would you expect someone who likes to torture others to have a good temper?

Xie Junyan had worked hard to keep up his act for three whole years to reach his current reputation and position . He could not accept that this was all taken away in an instant .

Xie Junyan had been aggrieved to his limits and his patience wearing extremely thin . He felt like he would have gone crazy if he did not do anything in retaliation to Ling Yun .

The moment he saw Ning Lingyu carrying that particular LV bag, the magnificent dazzling aura that radiated from her created a never before seen thirst in him to conquer and win back what was rightfully his .

Xie Junyan did not even notice the look of disdain from Zhuang Meina . He started to think of how he was going to work with Gou Junfa to get Ning Lingyu beside him .

Everyone usually has their own thoughts and opinions regarding a certain issue . Ling Yun's little act in front of Grade 12 Class 1 was all merely for show .

It was not for him . He did not need this . He was doing this for Ning Lingyu

Ling Yun wanted to tell Ning Lingyu that from now on she could wave goodbye to her old life . There was no need to struggle, to worry over such dirty objects like money and to be at the whims of others . He wanted her to have a peaceful and leisurely life .

To doing whatever they wanted! To not being constrained by money!

Ling Yun could sense different types of fiery stares coming from his surroundings . He chuckled, and softly said, "Little Sister, you carry on with whatever you have to do . I have something on so I'm going to leave . "

Suddenly, Ning Lingyu rapidly raised her head . She stared at Ling Yun with her beady eyes . There were still tears on her face when she looked at her brother and said, "I'm not busy, big brother . Let me treat you to a meal!"

Ling Yun laughed out loud . The few hundred thousand he spent today had not gone to waste . He managed to get a meal from his sister in return .

Ling Yun turned his head and gave Tie Xiaohu a looked . Then, he seized Ning Lingyu's shoulders and said, "Well if you're treating me to a meal, I'll obviously won't say no . You can decide on the location!"

Ning Ling Yun naughtily laughed and raised her beautiful, white and small hands . With her index finger, she pointed to the direction of the school canteen and then charmingly said, "There . "

Ling Yun shook his head and scratched Ning Lingyu's tall and graceful nose . He then helped her to wipe the tears off her cheek and adoringly said, "Okay, I'll follow you!"

Ning Lingyu very naturally grabbed Ling Yun's arm in front of the whole Grade 12 Class 1 . She snuggled her tender body right next to him and walked with him down the stairs .

Ling Yun achieved his true aim . Ning Lingyu mood was at an unprecedented level of calmness . She did not seem to care about the stares that came from around her . She was at peace . She cried when she wanted to . She laughed when she wanted to . She didn't have anything to ask for .

For those that wanted to achieve a peace of mind, they needed a specific attitude . This was the ultimate aim of Ling Yun's actions today .

All of this was to help her remove the barriers in her heart, to pave a straight road for her to achieve a state of peace .

Tie Xiaohu tightly followed Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu down the stairs . However, he did not go to the school canteen but walked out of the school to the gate to find Tang Meng .

Tie Xiaohu went into the Hummer that was parked at the side . He then told Tang Meng, who was smoking, "Ling Yun and his sister have gone out to eat . "

"What? He's eating with Lingyu? Where? Why didn't I see them come out?" Tang Meng was immediately excited after the mentioning of his goddess .

Tie Xiaohu chuckled and said, "The school canteen"

"Oh," Tang Meng was stunned . "Why is our boss still eating at the school canteen? I can't even…"

Tie Xiaohu did not continue Tang Meng's sentence . Ling Yun's mind and heart were on a different plane . They could never guess what was he thinking .

"What shall we do then?"

Tang Meng was dazed for a while .

"Whatever, let's go eat first! I'm hungry!" Tang Meng suddenly said . Tie Xiaohu threw the three LV bags in his hand to the back of the car and then laid back on the passenger seat .

Tang Meng start up the Hummer and asked, "So who's treating?"

The car was easily worth a few hundred thousands but both of them didn't want to spend any money .

Tie Xiaohu chuckled and said, "Well you're the one with the Hummer . "

Tang Meng gave a sour look and said, "Who said the one driving the Hummer has to treat? My money has been all swiped by the boss . Now my pocket is even cleaner than my face . The boss just told me you've pocketed twenty thousand from Gou Junfa's grandson, so I think you should be treating!"

Tie Xiaohu didn't want to argue with him over these matters and just nodded his head, "Just start the car . Also, tell me about what happened with the gamble . "

School canteen, second floor .

When Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu had reached the canteen's second floor, the place was already quite packed . With her big beautiful eyes, she cast a glance at the table where they had their meal previously and realized there were two guys sitting there . At that moment, she felt a little dejected upon at that sight .

It was at this table that Ling Yun took eleven thousand from Tang Meng and Cao Shanshan . That incident shocked Ning Lingyu and angered Cao Shanshan to the extent that she did not even finish her meal .

At that time, Ning Lingyu thought that it was just a rare act from her big brother after he has changed his appearance . However, she did not expect that it was just a small part of the beginning of his transformation!

Considering Ling Yun's current state, the events of that day were not even worth mentioning .

Ning Lingyu grinned and said to Ling Yun, "Wait for me big brother . "

Then, she turned around and ran to the particular corner .

"Hi! Can you please let me have this table?"

Ning Lingyu stood there with elegance and grace, giving off an extremely beautiful smile . Her voice was music to their ears . The two students at the table were starstruck .

"他总算还有一样不行的 . . . "谢俊彦自己也认为已经被凌云从各个方面比了下去,他在心里找到了属于自己的平衡 .

"可惜,凌云学习成绩不好,不然的话,那就真的完美无缺了 . . . "


凌云感受着周围射来的各种异样的,火辣辣的目光,他只是淡淡的一笑,轻轻拍了拍依旧抽泣个不停的宁灵雨的香肩,温柔说道:"妹妹,你忙你的吧,哥哥还有事,先走了 . "



宁灵雨调皮的一笑,抬起纤美雪白的小手,伸出如春葱一般的食指,对着学校餐厅的方向指了指,然后娇声道:"那里 . "

"好,依你!"凌云摇着头刮了刮宁灵雨挺秀的鼻子,又帮她把俏脸上的泪痕擦了擦,然后宠爱的说道 .

铁小虎来到校门口,钻进停在一旁的悍马车里,然后对正在吞云吐雾的唐猛说道:"云哥和他妹妹去吃饭去了 . "

"什么?和灵雨一块儿吃饭?去哪吃去了?我怎么没看到他们出来?"唐猛一听能见到自己心中的女神,立即激动了 .

铁小虎淡淡一笑:"学校餐厅 . . . "

"嘎——"唐猛顿时呆住:"老大现在还去学校餐厅吃个什么饭啊,真是 . . . "


"该怎么办就怎么办,先吃饭去!饿了!"铁小虎把手中的三个LV往车后座上一放,然后惬意的靠在了副驾驶座位上 .




铁小虎懒得跟他计较这些,点了点头道:"快开车吧,跟我说说那个赌局是怎么回事 . "

"哥哥,你等我一下 . "宁灵雨笑靥如花,跟凌云说了一句,然后柳腰一拧,跑到那个角落 .


宁灵雨亭亭玉立,盈盈含笑,俏丽无方,语出黄莺,对那两位被天上掉下来的馅饼砸的狂喷鼻血的同学说道 . (未完待续 . 如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点(qidian . com)投推荐票,月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力 . )

It had been 45 minutes since the recess bell rang . Since it was the end of the school day, the school was extremely lively and noisy . Yet, the place outside of Grade 12 Class 1's door was unquestionably the most packed yet also the most secretive place in the school right now

Everyone seemed to have been startled, looking like they had seen a ghost . With their mouths and eyes wide open, they were staring straight at the unbelievably handsome Ling Yun and the incredibly beautiful Ning Lingyu . The conflicting feelings in their hearts could not possibly be put into words

In less than a week, the good-for-nothing Ling Yun who was once impoverished and fat as a pig had majestically transformed into a super handsome and wealthy alpha male! .

Excluding his studies, Ling Yun was way ahead in every single aspect compared to Xie Junyan . There was no way that Xie Junyan could compare to Ling Yun in any matter

"Well, at least there's something that he's not good at…" Xie Junyan knew that he was not on Ling Yun's level on many aspects, but just this aspect allowed his full-blown jealousy to subside

"What a pity that Ling Yun's studies aren't good . If not, he would be perfect . " .

There were a lot of girls that couldn't help but feel unjust for Ling Yun . It was as if they had failed their entrance exams

However, Ling Yun had just said he was just going do whatever he wanted to in the future . That did not include studying for university . There was no point in someone like Ling Yun entering university anyway

Zhuang Meina was staring intensely at Ling Yun handsome's face . She could feel her heart beating faster . It was getting out of control, as if her heart was going to jump out of her chest

Zhuang Meina had a thing for Xie Junyan . She liked that he was handsome . She liked his demeanor . She liked his family background . Yet now, with Ling Yun in the picture, Xie Junyan was unquestionably out of contention

Zhuang Meina didn't care about Ling Yun's subpar studies . For people that were on his level, there was really no point in studying other than making themselves look good on the surface

Ling Yun had saved a bunch of people and single-handedly taken on thirty men . He also took in Tie Xiaohu as a disciple . Now, Ling Yun was incredibly handsome and rich but was also shockingly generous with his money . Zhuang Meina was totally captivated by all of this and could not stop herself from falling for him

Zhuang Meina was obviously someone that changed crushes her easily . When Li Qingchuan returned to school, she was one among his many dazed and obsessed fangirls

Ling Yun was better looking than both Xie Junyan and Li Qingchuan, so it was unsurprising that she would fall for him .

If Ling Yun was to be less awesome, Zhuang Meina would unquestionably pick Xie Junyan as before . As a result, she would have been jealous of that Xie Junyan secretly crushed on Ning Lingyu

However, Ling Yun was at a level of awesomeness that Zhuang Meina simply could not resist . She did not see the point in caring about whether Xie Junyan liked Ning Lingyu or not

She was just a helpless teenage girl fantasizing about Ling Yun . That was why she surprisingly did not say anything about the brother-sister duo . Her face became red and she could not help but imagine herself as Ning Lingyu . She wished that she was in Ning Lingyu's shoes

She was definitely jealous of Ning Lingyu, but now it had nothing to do with romance

Zhuang Meina could not resist sneaking a glance at Xie Junyan who was just standing not far away . She felt that the only thing the only thing he could trump Ling Yun at was the little bit of family power he had

Xie Junyan thought otherwise . After seeing this scene, a fire sparked and raged ferociously in his heart for the first time in his life

Zhung Meina was merely just his plaything . He could not get Ning Lingyu and hence he settled for her . It could have just been a way to gain Ning Lingyu's attention because he could really care less about Zhuang Meina

At school, Ling Yun had been a nuisance for Xie Junyan these past few days . Ling Yun had displaced him from his former status and position in these mere few days . Xie Junyan was now the laughing stock of the school

The word on the street was that Xie Junyan did not go against Ling Yun . If he decided to do so, he would face the same outcome as Gou Junfa — to be trampled on

While Xie Junyan might be devious and enjoyed backstabbing and manipulating people from the shadows, he was very tolerant . However, this was not a good indicator of his temper

Would you expect someone who likes to torture others to have a good temper? .

Xie Junyan had worked hard to keep up his act for three whole years to reach his current reputation and position . He could not accept that this was all taken away in an instant

Xie Junyan had been aggrieved to his limits and his patience wearing extremely thin . He felt like he would have gone crazy if he did not do anything in retaliation to Ling Yun

The moment he saw Ning Lingyu carrying that particular LV bag, the magnificent dazzling aura that radiated from her created a never before seen thirst in him to conquer and win back what was rightfully his

Xie Junyan did not even notice the look of disdain from Zhuang Meina . He started to think of how he was going to work with Gou Junfa to get Ning Lingyu beside him

Everyone usually has their own thoughts and opinions regarding a certain issue . Ling Yun's little act in front of Grade 12 Class 1 was all merely for show

It was not for him . He did not need this . He was doing this for Ning Lingyu .

Ling Yun wanted to tell Ning Lingyu that from now on she could wave goodbye to her old life . There was no need to struggle, to worry over such dirty objects like money and to be at the whims of others . He wanted her to have a peaceful and leisurely life

To doing whatever they wanted! To not being constrained by money! .

Ling Yun could sense different types of fiery stares coming from his surroundings . He chuckled, and softly said, "Little Sister, you carry on with whatever you have to do . I have something on so I'm going to leave . " .

Suddenly, Ning Lingyu rapidly raised her head . She stared at Ling Yun with her beady eyes . There were still tears on her face when she looked at her brother and said, "I'm not busy, big brother . Let me treat you to a meal!" .

Ling Yun laughed out loud . The few hundred thousand he spent today had not gone to waste . He managed to get a meal from his sister in return

Ling Yun turned his head and gave Tie Xiaohu a looked . Then, he seized Ning Lingyu's shoulders and said, "Well if you're treating me to a meal, I'll obviously won't say no . You can decide on the location!" .

Ning Ling Yun naughtily laughed and raised her beautiful, white and small hands . With her index finger, she pointed to the direction of the school canteen and then charmingly said, "There . " .

Ling Yun shook his head and scratched Ning Lingyu's tall and graceful nose . He then helped her to wipe the tears off her cheek and adoringly said, "Okay, I'll follow you!" .

Ning Lingyu very naturally grabbed Ling Yun's arm in front of the whole Grade 12 Class 1 . She snuggled her tender body right next to him and walked with him down the stairs

Ling Yun achieved his true aim . Ning Lingyu mood was at an unprecedented level of calmness . She did not seem to care about the stares that came from around her . She was at peace . She cried when she wanted to . She laughed when she wanted to . She didn't have anything to ask for

For those that wanted to achieve a peace of mind, they needed a specific attitude . This was the ultimate aim of Ling Yun's actions today

All of this was to help her remove the barriers in her heart, to pave a straight road for her to achieve a state of peace

Tie Xiaohu tightly followed Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu down the stairs . However, he did not go to the school canteen but walked out of the school to the gate to find Tang Meng

Tie Xiaohu went into the Hummer that was parked at the side . He then told Tang Meng, who was smoking, "Ling Yun and his sister have gone out to eat . " .

"What? He's eating with Lingyu? Where? Why didn't I see them come out?" Tang Meng was immediately excited after the mentioning of his goddess

Tie Xiaohu chuckled and said, "The school canteen" .

"Oh," Tang Meng was stunned . "Why is our boss still eating at the school canteen? I can't even…" .


Tie Xiaohu did not continue Tang Meng's sentence . Ling Yun's mind and heart were on a different plane . They could never guess what was he thinking


"What shall we do then?" .

Tang Meng was dazed for a while

"Whatever, let's go eat first! I'm hungry!" Tang Meng suddenly said . Tie Xiaohu threw the three LV bags in his hand to the back of the car and then laid back on the passenger seat


Tang Meng start up the Hummer and asked, "So who's treating?" .


The car was easily worth a few hundred thousands but both of them didn't want to spend any money


Tie Xiaohu chuckled and said, "Well you're the one with the Hummer . " .


Tang Meng gave a sour look and said, "Who said the one driving the Hummer has to treat? My money has been all swiped by the boss . Now my pocket is even cleaner than my face . The boss just told me you've pocketed twenty thousand from Gou Junfa's grandson, so I think you should be treating!" .


Tie Xiaohu didn't want to argue with him over these matters and just nodded his head, "Just start the car . Also, tell me about what happened with the gamble . " .

… .

School canteen, second floor

When Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu had reached the canteen's second floor, the place was already quite packed . With her big beautiful eyes, she cast a glance at the table where they had their meal previously and realized there were two guys sitting there . At that moment, she felt a little dejected upon at that sight


It was at this table that Ling Yun took eleven thousand from Tang Meng and Cao Shanshan . That incident shocked Ning Lingyu and angered Cao Shanshan to the extent that she did not even finish her meal


At that time, Ning Lingyu thought that it was just a rare act from her big brother after he has changed his appearance . However, she did not expect that it was just a small part of the beginning of his transformation! .


Considering Ling Yun's current state, the events of that day were not even worth mentioning

Ning Lingyu grinned and said to Ling Yun, "Wait for me big brother . " .

Then, she turned around and ran to the particular corner


"Hi! Can you please let me have this table?" .


Ning Lingyu stood there with elegance and grace, giving off an extremely beautiful smile . Her voice was music to their ears . The two students at the table were starstruck



这才不到一周的时间,凌云从一个家里一贫如洗,身材肥胖如猪的超级窝囊废,摇身一变,华丽丽的变成了帅的阳光灿烂,富的拿着几百万当零花钱的超级强者了! .

除了学习,凌云已经甩开他们班里的天之骄子谢俊彦一百条街!无论从哪一个方面比较,谢俊彦拍马都赶不上! .

"他总算还有一样不行的 . "谢俊彦自己也认为已经被凌云从各个方面比了下去,他在心里找到了属于自己的平衡

"可惜,凌云学习成绩不好,不然的话,那就真的完美无缺了 . " .


不过,人家凌云刚才已经说了,以后想不干嘛就不干嘛,这其中自然也包括学习考大学,想想也是,这样的人,考大学还有个蛋用啊?! .








可现在凌云已经强大到让庄美娜都心动不已了,谢俊彦喜欢不喜欢宁灵雨,还关她庄美娜什么事? .



庄美娜忍不住斜着眼儿扫了一下不远处站着的谢俊彦,心说他除了家里有点儿权力,还有哪一点比凌云强? .

谢俊彦的想法恰恰相反,看完了这一幕,谢俊彦心中的战斗火焰,人生中第一次熊熊燃烧了起来! .





一个喜欢虐的人,脾气怎么可能好的了? .

在清水一中辛辛苦苦潇洒装逼装了三年,才换回来的清水一中大众情人的名头,几乎是一夜之间就被凌云抬抬手夺走,谢俊彦真心受不了! .

谢俊彦现在已经憋屈到了极处,忍耐到了极限,他如果再不对凌云做点儿什么,他真的会发疯的! .

尤其是当他看到宁灵雨把那款LV包提到手里的时候,那种一瞬间展现出来的高贵迷人的气质,这让他心中产生了前所未有的征服欲望! .

谢俊彦的喉结忍不住一阵急剧抖动,连庄美娜正在用不屑的目光看他都没有觉察到,开始琢磨着怎么跟勾俊发合伙,把宁灵雨征服于自己的胯下! .




想干嘛就干嘛,想不干嘛就不干嘛!不为了钱活着! .

凌云感受着周围射来的各种异样的,火辣辣的目光,他只是淡淡的一笑,轻轻拍了拍依旧抽泣个不停的宁灵雨的香肩,温柔说道:"妹妹,你忙你的吧,哥哥还有事,先走了 . " .

宁灵雨这才猛地抬起头,一双水灵灵的大眼睛望着凌云,连俏脸上的泪水都来不及擦,楚楚的看着自己的哥哥道:"我才不忙呢,哥哥,我要请你吃饭!" .


凌云扭头,冲铁小虎使了一个眼色,然后揽着宁灵雨的香肩说道:"妹妹请我吃饭,我当然得去,你说吧,去哪儿吃?" .

宁灵雨调皮的一笑,抬起纤美雪白的小手,伸出如春葱一般的食指,对着学校餐厅的方向指了指,然后娇声道:"那里 . " .







铁小虎来到校门口,钻进停在一旁的悍马车里,然后对正在吞云吐雾的唐猛说道:"云哥和他妹妹去吃饭去了 . " .


铁小虎淡淡一笑:"学校餐厅 . " .

"嘎——"唐猛顿时呆住:"老大现在还去学校餐厅吃个什么饭啊,真是 . " .


"那我们怎么办?" .



唐猛发动了悍马:"谁请客?" .


铁小虎嘿嘿一笑:"你开着悍马,你说谁请客?" .

唐猛苦着脸道:"谁说开悍马就得请客?跟你说,我的钱被老大搜刮的差不多了,现在兜里比脸还要干净;我告诉你,老大可是跟我说了,你弄了勾俊发那孙子两万块,我看应该是你请才对!" .

铁小虎懒得跟他计较这些,点了点头道:"快开车吧,跟我说说那个赌局是怎么回事 . " .



那一天,就是在那张桌子上,凌云收了唐猛和曹珊珊一共一万一千块钱,把宁灵雨震惊地目瞪口呆,把曹珊珊气的连饭都没有吃! .

宁灵雨当时以为自己的哥哥是改头换面之后的偶尔为之,却没有想到,那只是一个小小的,微乎其微的开始而已! .


"哥哥,你等我一下 . "宁灵雨笑靥如花,跟凌云说了一句,然后柳腰一拧,跑到那个角落

"同学,你们好,请问,你们可以把这张餐桌让给我么?" .

宁灵雨亭亭玉立,盈盈含笑,俏丽无方,语出黄莺,对那两位被天上掉下来的馅饼砸的狂喷鼻血的同学说道 . (未完待续 . 如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来起点(qidian . com)投推荐票,月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力 . )

Chapter end

Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738 - Preparations for the Rescue!
Chapter 737 - Increasing Combat Power, Tang Meng's Arrival in Beijing
Chapter 736 - Fuse
Chapter 735 - Divine Ability, Those People
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 732 - Passing Judgment on Everything, Ling Family's Courtyard
Chapter 731 - Three Matters, Absolute Strength!
Chapter 730 - The Ling Family's Fourth Young Master. Ling Zhen Reveals His Hand!
Chapter 729 - Defensive Measures
Chapter 728 - Shocking News, the Magical Shadow!
Chapter 727 - Terrifying Absorption Ability
Chapter 726 - The Ling Family's Dungeon, Interrogating Chen Haizhen
Chapter 725 - Ling Hao's Tragedy
Chapter 724 - Astounding Big Sister Ling Xiu
Chapter 723 - Martial Arts Absorption Skill, Training for Murder
Chapter 722 - : Telekinesis, Yin-Yang Vortex
Chapter 721 - Repaying the Blood Debt With Blood
Chapter 720 - The Rise of the Ling Family Is Just Around the Corner!
Chapter 719 - Rejuvenated
Chapter 718 - Meridians Cleansing, Ling Lie's Cultivation Rose Dramatically
Chapter 717 - Extravagant Defiance of Heaven
Chapter 716 - Future Head of the Ling Family
Chapter 715 - Immense Affection
Chapter 714 - Returning Home!
Chapter 713 - Duel? The Whole Lot of Us Will Duel You!
Chapter 712 - Destroying Your Genitals With One Kick
Chapter 711 - Ling Yun Has Arrived!
710 The Most Dangerous Momen
709 The Passionate Ling Family, Unafraid of Death
708 Bloody Battle! Death Battle!
707 The Ling Family in Danger!
Chapter 706 - Butchering Chuunin, Winning the First Battle
Chapter 705 - Those Below Xiantian Realm Level Seven Are Ants?
Chapter 704 - Shooting a Huge Bird
Chapter 703 - Completely Destroyed!
Chapter 702 - Killing Spree
Chapter 701 - One Versus Many
Chapter 700 - Salvation
Chapter 699 - Twilight
Chapter 698 - The Weapons Workshop and Man of Sacrifice of the Ling Family!
Chapter 697 - Golden Bow and Silver Arrows
Chapter 696 - Two Loyal and Outstanding Servants
Chapter 695 - Mutation of the Blood Clan! Ling Yun's Miracle!
Chapter 694 - The Dark Storm! Too Cool to Be True!
Chapter 693 - Won in a Single Battle! Enormous Rewards!
Chapter 692 - Duel With Chen Jianwei (Part Two)
Chapter 691 - Duel With Chen Jianwei (Part One)
Chapter 690 - Scouting the Chen Family Late at Night, Encountering Chen Sen
Chapter 689 - Armillary Sphere Maze Formation, Savior
688 Abdication
687 Obliteration
Chapter 686 - Unforgivable!
Chapter 685 - Evil Eye
Chapter 684 - Breaking Into the Cao Family for the Rescue Mission!
Chapter 683 - I'm Going to Destroy the Chen Family!
Chapter 682 - Low Profile Into Beijing City
Chapter 681 - The Might of the Human Sovereign! The Sabbat of the Blood Clan!
Chapter 680 - The Chen Family Again!
Chapter 679 - Ling Yun Is Satan to the Blood Clan!
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674 - I Finally Meet Ling Yun! A Hot-Blooded Man's Tears!
Chapter 673 - Cao Tianlong on the Run!
Chapter 672 - On the Verge of Goodbye, the Shichiyou Pill!
Chapter 671 - Attaining the First Minor Realm! The Pinnacle of Physique Tempering Stage Nine!
Chapter 670 - Oath
Chapter 669 - Eighteen Years Ago, the Night of the Torrential Rain!
Chapter 668 - It's Really You
Chapter 667 - Bodhi Bead
Chapter 666 - Devoted Feixue, Lingjue Temple
Chapter 665 - Heavenly Seal, Half-Immortal
Chapter 664 - Goodbye
Chapter 663 - So Lost Without You
Chapter 662 - Mastermind
Chapter 661 - The Four Great Blessings! Admitting Defeat!
Chapter 660 - Flirtatious Young Woman
Chapter 659 - You Are Down on Your Luck
Chapter 658 - Ling Yun Versus Gambling Masters
Chapter 657 - Deciding Outcome
Chapter 656 - Reason
Chapter 655 - Healing
Chapter 654 - Anticipation
Chapter 653 - The Two-Faced Ling Yun
Chapter 652 - Green Dragon
Chapter 651 - Gentle Chivalry
Chapter 650 - The Corpse Powder, the Divine Yang
Chapter 649 - Stealing Her Heart
Chapter 648 - Treating the Illness
Chapter 647 - Embarrassed by Ling Yun!
Chapter 646 - An Annoyed Ling Yun!
Chapter 645 - Set His Sight on the World!
Chapter 644 - The New Boss of Green Dragon
Chapter 643 - The Most Awesome Cheating in History
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638 - Sprint! Adultery!
Chapter 637 - A Brother's Worry
Chapter 636 - Dragon Elephant Divine Force, Black Yellow Sutra
Chapter 635 - Taking Care of Two Nouveau Riches! Spit Out What You Took From Me!
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630 – The Spendthrift's Heaven
Chapter 629 – Cutting the King of Stones! Soul
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 626 - 100% Right! Dumbfounded!
Chapter 625 - F*cking Good Luck!
Chapter 624 - Domineering Aura!
Chapter 623 - Shocking Purchase of the King of Stones
Chapter 622 - Buying Everything in the Midst of Mockery!
Chapter 621 - End of the Shopping Spree
Chapter 620 - The Forgotten King of Stones
Chapter 619 - Sweeping the Spirit Stones!
Chapter 618 - Green Dragon Out at Sea
Chapter 617 - Obtaining the Treasure and Getting the Woman
Chapter 616 - Giving the Heavenly Seal, Asking for Treasure
Chapter 615 - Her Heart Was Set
Chapter 614 - Arrogant Nouveau Riches
Chapter 613 - Proving Her Wrong!
Chapter 612 - Insolent Fools!
Chapter 611 - Arrogant Nouveau Riches
Chapter 610 - Discovering a Treasure! A Shield?
Chapter 609 - The Tianxi Pavilion
Chapter 608 - Free Spirit Stone! God of Stone Gambling?
Chapter 607 - Kill the World With You!
Chapter 606 - With Me Here, the Ling Family Won't Perish!
Chapter 605 - Unstable Ling Family! Disaster in the Past!
Chapter 604 - Spatial Improvement, Divine Willow Wood, Supreme Azure Emperor Art!
Chapter 603 - Returning to Rightful Place! Drastic Dead Wood Change!
Chapter 602 - New Lease on Life! Acknowledging Relations!
Chapter 601 - Cui Lao's Gift!
Chapter 600 - Qin Qiuyue's Explanation!
Chapter 599 - Ling Yun's Identity Exposed!
Chapter 598 - Breakthrough to Physique Tempering Stage Eight
Chapter 597 - Assassins! Ambush!
Chapter 596
Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590 – Shocking! Ling Yun's Earth
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587 – Femme Fatale! Twenty
Chapter 586 - Antagonism?
Chapter 585 - Becoming a Billionaire! Insults Again!
Chapter 584 - A Gift From the Heavens!
Chapter 583 - Spirit Cultivation Cosmos Stone!
Chapter 582 - Shocking Gift! (2)
Chapter 581 - Shocking Gift! (1)
Chapter 580 - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony! Huge Prosperity!
Chapter 579 - The Arrival of Multiple Goddesses?
Chapter 578 - Arrival of the Most Powerful Man in Qingshui City!
Chapter 577 - Meeting Cui Lao Again!
Chapter 576 - Profit and Earnings! Qingshui City Goes Crazy!
Chapter 575 - A Series of Shocks! It's About to Explode!
Chapter 574 - The Five Nouveau Riches' Shock and Regret!
Chapter 573 - A Surprise Gift! Monstrous Jealousy!
Chapter 572 - Grand Opening of the Clinic! Chasing the Nouveau Riches Away!
Chapter 571 - Grand Opening of the Clinic! Breathtaking Beauties!
Chapter 570 - Grand Opening of the Clinic!
Chapter 569 - Angry Ling Yun!
Chapter 568 - Ling Yun Receives the Nine Needles, Five Elements!
Chapter 567 - Raging Waves Internal Skill, Miao Xiaomiao's Gift
Chapter 566 - Physique Tempering Stage Seven, Materializing Qi!
Chapter 565 - Earth-Shattering Truth! Ling Lie From the Ling Family!
Chapter 564 - Earth-Shuttering Truths! The Dragon Control Tactic of the Long Family!
Chapter 563 - Earth-Shattering Truth! Green Dragon Jade!
Chapter 562 - The Anger and Shock of an Old Man!
Chapter 561 - Losing Money! Puzzled!
Chapter 560 - : I'll Marry Him Eventually!
Chapter 559 - Father-Son Combination, Seven Tigers of Qingshui
Chapter 558 - Nouveau Riche Prelude! Marvelous Maneuver!
Chapter 557 - Jealou-Sea and 500 Million Yuan Gift!
Chapter 556 - Young Master?
Chapter 555
Chapter 554
Chapter 553
Chapter 552
Chapter 551
Chapter 550
Chapter 549
Chapter 548
Chapter 547
Chapter 546 - Moving House
Chapter 545 - Long Way to Go
Chapter 544 - Setting One Thing Right
Chapter 543 - It Was Him
Chapter 542
Chapter 541
Chapter 540
Chapter 539
Chapter 538 - Leave Everything to Me
Chapter 537 - The Military Vehicle Obstructs the Road
Chapter 536 - Escaping With His Tail Between His Legs
Chapter 535 - Something's Not Right!
Chapter 534 - Sitting on Tenterhooks
Chapter 533 - Burning Brow!
Chapter 532 - A Beautiful Girl's Favor
Chapter 531 - Quick Money
Chapter 530 - Dismissal! Prelude!
Chapter 529 - Come Out, All of You!
Chapter 528 - Who Is More Unreasonable!
Chapter 527 - Where Is My Pride? Arrest Him!
Chapter 526 - Cooking Dumplings in Qingshui Lake
Chapter 525 - Conflict
Chapter 524 - The Relocation of Ning Er and News on Shanshan
Chapter 523 - Xian Er Causing Trouble
Chapter 522 - Busy Ling Yun
Chapter 521 - Ordinary People's Clinic
Chapter 520 - : On the Trail of the Enemy
Chapter 519 - Liquefying Spiritual energy
Chapter 518 - Qin Dongxue Advances, Imparting the Ninth Killing Technique
Chapter 517 - Inadequate Strength, Forewarned is Forearmed
Chapter 516 - Racing Heart
Chapter 515 - Qin Dongxue's Punishment
Chapter 514 - Devil Abolishing Conference
Chapter 513 - Deity Sword Mountain Villa, Nice to Meet You
Chapter 512 - Mysterious Guest
Chapter 511 - Punishment
Chapter 510 - Appeasement
Chapter 509 - The Poor Nouveau Riche of the Long Family
Chapter 508 - Long Family's Interest, Annulling the Marriage!
Chapter 507 - A Huge Shame, Secret Family Order!
Chapter 506 - Cuckold!
Chapter 505 - Ling Yun Secretly Delighted and Appeared!
Chapter 504 - Love Rival at the Door!
Chapter 503 - Making Dozens of Luxury Cars His Own!
Chapter 502 - Heaven Devil Elimination
Chapter 501 - Bullying the Holy Virgin of the Devil Sect
Chapter 500 - Xiao Meimei's Information
Chapter 499 - Terrifying Devil's Ability, the Overwhelming Devil Woman!
Chapter 498 - The Assassins Organization Returns. A Mysterious Female Appears!
Chapter 497 - Preparing to Attack Tranquil Sect
Chapter 496 - Playing Dumb
Chapter 495 - Slipped
Chapter 494 - Xian Er's Lesson
Chapter 493 - Eyes That See Through
Chapter 492 - Human and Demon
Chapter 491 - Absolutely Beautiful City
Chapter 490 - Qin Dongxue's Worries
Chapter 489 - Outlaw!
Chapter 488 - First Meeting Between Love Rivals and Between Older Brother and Younger Sister
Chapter 487 - B*tchy Hypocrite
Chapter 486 - The Huaxia Storm
Chapter 485 - Free and Unfettered
Chapter 484 - Xian Er's Hatred!
Chapter 483 - The Most Impressive Tribulation in History!
Chapter 482 - Recovering From a Seemingly Impossible Situation! Utilizing All Trump Cards!
Chapter 481 - Nine-Colored Tribulation Cloud! Accompany You in Death!
Chapter 480 - Endless Benefits, Magical Transformation!
Chapter 479 - The Heartless Heavens, Battling With Heaven!
Chapter 478 - Breaking Through Physique Tempering Stage Seven! The Magical Yin-Yang Eye!
Chapter 477 - Ling Yun Breaks Through the Realm by Tribulation! Xian Er Follows to Death's Door!
Chapter 476 - The Lightning Tribulation Strikes!
Chapter 475 - Stunning Beauty
Chapter 474 - Ling Yun Breaks Through! Xian Er Transforms!
Chapter 473 - Heavenly Fox, Frightening Lightning Tribulation!
Chapter 472 - Xian Er's Conviction, Terrifying Ninth Killing Sword!
Chapter 471 - Hundred Man Slaughter
Chapter 470 - The Tribulation Stage (4)
Chapter 469 - The Tribulation Stage (3)
Chapter 468 - The Tribulation Stage (2)
Chapter 467 - The Tribulation Stage (1)
Chapter 466 - Bai Xianer
Chapter 465 - The Truth Behind Tribulations! First Cave Abode on Earth!
Chapter 464 - Boiling With Passion, Planting Our National Flag!
Chapter 463 - Landing on the Island Forcefully, Showing Off the Strength of My Country! (5)
Chapter 462 - Landing on the Island Forcefully, Showing Off the Strength of My Country! (4)
Chapter 461 - Landing on the Island Forcefully, Showing Off the Strength of My Country! (3)
Chapter 460 - Landing on the Island Forcefully, Showing Off the Strength of My Country! (2)
Chapter 459 - Landing on the Island Forcefully, Showing Off the Strength of My Country! (1)
Chapter 458 - Warning
Chapter 457 - Going Out to Sea
Chapter 456 - Shocking Cultivation Speed!
Chapter 455 - Guided Cultivation
Chapter 454 - The First Step of a Long Journey
Chapter 453 - An Unimaginable Sight!
Chapter 452 - Amazing and Rich!
Chapter 451 - Turning the Spine Into a Golden Dragon! I'll Teach Lingyu!
Chapter 450 - Ling Yun!
Chapter 449 - Overlord!
Chapter 448 - Investigate the Enemy by Following the Vine!
Chapter 447 - Scent of the Enemy!
Chapter 446 - Profiting From a Misfortune
Chapter 445 - Is It Really a Vixen?
Chapter 444 - Little White's Transformation
Chapter 443 - Arctic Ice Technique
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426 - Psychological Illness
Chapter 425 - Trouble in School
Chapter 424 - Audacious Act
Chapter 423 - Malicious Rumor
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
Chapter 418
Chapter 417
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
Chapter 412
Chapter 411
Chapter 410
Chapter 409
Chapter 408
Chapter 407
Chapter 406 - Don't Move!
Chapter 405 - Qin Dongxue from the Qin Family! The Powerful Aunty!
Chapter 404 - Slaying Sun Tianbiao! The Chinese Condor Team!
Chapter 403 - The Greatest Treasure in the Buddhist Sect, a Divinely Appointed Person!
Chapter 402
Chapter 401
Chapter 400
Chapter 399
Chapter 398
Chapter 397
Chapter 396
Chapter 395
Chapter 394
Chapter 393
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390
Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
Chapter 386
Chapter 385
Chapter 384
Chapter 383
Chapter 382
Chapter 381
Chapter 380
Chapter 379
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (21) Successfully Establishing Power!
Chapter 372
Chapter 371 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (20) Beautiful Lawyer
Chapter 371
Chapter 370 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (19) Crazy Demolition Of Mansion!
Chapter 370
Chapter 369 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (18) Green Dragon on the Move!
Chapter 369
Chapter 368 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (17) Startling!
Chapter 368
Chapter 367 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (16)
Chapter 367
Chapter 366 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (15) Caught Red-handed
Chapter 366 – Establishing Power in Qingshui (15) Caught Red
Chapter 366
Chapter 365 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (14) To Everyone's Satisfaction
Chapter 365
Chapter 364 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (13) The Return of Ling Yun!
Chapter 364
Chapter 363 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (12) I'll Shoulder All of the Consequences!
Chapter 363
Chapter 362 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (11) Demolishing the House!
Chapter 362
Chapter 361 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (10) Ling Yun's Charm!
Chapter 361
Chapter 360 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (9) Immortal Physician's Benevolent Heart
Chapter 360
Chapter 359 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (8) Declaring War!
Chapter 359
Chapter 358 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (7) Buying Life With Money
Chapter 358
Chapter 357 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (6) Supreme Devil King!
Chapter 357
Chapter 356 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (5) Appearance of Cui Lao!
Chapter 356
Chapter 355 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (4)
Chapter 355
Chapter 354 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (3)
Chapter 354
Chapter 353 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (2)
Chapter 353
Chapter 352 - Establishing Power in Qingshui (1)
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350 - Shocking and Disastrous Events, Ling Yun's Rage
Chapter 349 - Banquet's Climax, Flourishing End of Show
Chapter 348 - Acting as a Pig to Eat the Tiger (6)
Chapter 348
Chapter 347 - Acting as a Pig to Eat the Tiger (5)
Chapter 347
Chapter 346 - Acting as a Pig to Eat the Tiger (4)
Chapter 346
Chapter 345 - Acting as a Pig to Eat the Tiger (3)
Chapter 345
Chapter 344 - Acting as a Pig to Eat the Tiger (2)
Chapter 344
Chapter 343 - Acting as a Pig to Eat the Tiger (1)
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338 - Returning to Qingshui Extravagantly!
Chapter 337 - You've Done Well, so You Can Die Now
Chapter 336 - All Are Executed, the Shennong Cauldron
Chapter 335 - Beheading Fengchen, Burning Liusheng
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 324
Chapter 323
Chapter 322
Chapter 321
Chapter 320
Chapter 319
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315 – The Eye of the Yin Formation, Cultivating Yin
Chapter 314
Chapter 313
Chapter 312
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
264 The Invincible Young Man! Ling Yun Must Die!
263 Capturing Sun Xing!
Chapter 262
Chapter 261 - Human Ball of Flame, Chaos!
Chapter 260 - In Grave Danger!
Chapter 259 - This Is What You Get When You Bully My Woman!
Chapter 258 - Decisive Killing! All for Naught!
Chapter 257 - In a Perilous Situation with the Four Highly Skilled Opponents!
Chapter 256 - The Greatest Hero on Earth
Chapter 255 - Don't be afraid my wife, your husband is here!
Chapter 254 - Ready to die, severance of ties! Here to kill!
Chapter 253 - A Trap! Being Compelled!
Chapter 252 - Let's rescue the hostage!
Chapter 251 - Treat the wounded before taking revenge!
Chapter 250 - Lin Menghan's Departure, Zhuang Meifeng Kidnapped
249 Password - Six Nines
248 The moment of miracle
Chapter 247 - Fire Talisman
Chapter 246 - Unbelievable
Chapter 245 - Beauty mole
Chapter 244 - Busted!
Chapter 243 - Am I domineering?
Chapter 242 - I would even die for you!
241 Clinic for Terminal Patients
Chapter 240 - We are rich!
Chapter 239 - A faint sigh
Chapter 238 - Choosing the bedroom, forever…
Chapter 237 - Dealing with the Situation at the Ninth Villa
Chapter 236 - The looming changes of Qingshui City
Chapter 235 - 8 million! Land Rover Revered Edition!
Chapter 234 - Mysterious Box
Chapter 233 - Adopt Flexible Measures According to Circumstances
232 Deepa's Moment Of Death!
231 Someone Has to Die
230 An Intense Battle
229 Rendezvous
228 Decision
227 Where Dreams Begin, The Heavens Will Leave It Alone
226 Three Sentences
225 Challenge to a Duel
224 Departure
Chapter 223 - Yin Yang Balance
Chapter 222 - Du Gumo, Caught In Between!
Chapter 221 - I Will Never Marry You
Chapter 220 - The Helpless Green Dragon Boss
Chapter 219 - One Dance That Charms All (2)
Chapter 218 - One Dance That Charms All (1)
Chapter 217 - Dance!
216 A Complete Transformation
215 At The Peak of Your Romance, How About a Dance?
214 The Secret That Year
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191 – Collecting Payment (3) (Mini
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118 - Chronicles of Qingshui High (Part 8)
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 1
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