Chapter 1: Genesis

Chapter 1: Genesis

Inside: Tokyo Disaster Headquarters

Six years later in Ikebukuro, it was a bright afternoon with most of the Japanese citizens going about their day, with nothing really going on without Izaya Orihara in their lives. Orihara Twins' the younger sisters of the infamous informant, they are now slightly older and a bit more mature now. Mairu is inside an unmarked gray building, inside the Tokyo Disaster Headquarters, a Japanese tabloid magazine. Where Kururi's modeling photoshoot is taking place as Kururi's new morning job. Very near the Tokyu Hands department store. Mairu is sitting in a chair with a passive but happy smile on her, admiring Kururi, in the back during the photoshoot, while Mairu is watching. Kururi wearing only a long white shirt with three gray buttons, seductively covering down to her thighs, as in front of the female photographer is taking four and more extra quick photos of the slightly older twin sister of Kururi.

"Ahhh, living the dream," Mairu said, while admiring her sister from a distance, as the photoshoot was wrapping up.

Mairu begins to cross her legs in the 'director's chair' seductively seeing the final photos being taken of her sister by the camera woman, the female photographer stops taking the images to be sent to the appropriate people to be published in smaller newspapers and magazines around Japan.

She immediately, with excitement, gets up off the chair, heading to meet with Kururi in a private room section in the Tokyo Disaster office.

The models room where they go to dress up, back in their previous regular civilian clothes, allowing their models to head back home until they are paid by the magazine, after their female models in the photoshoots for the headlines, photographs, and alongside sensational stories.

Kururi inside in the private room after her photos were taken to be published, who took the photos for the tabloid.

Her devilish brown eyes of Mairu are filled with excitement. Mairu quickly knocks on Kururi's door to the room, Kururi lets her in without hesitation with a blank neutral expression.

Mairu opens the door, instantly purely out of reflex, jumps on into Kururi and wraps her arms around her shoulders platonically.

"That boring photoshoot took way too long." Mairu affectionately remarked. "Now can both of us go back home."

Kururi's stoic face turned into a small loving smile towards Mairu, when Mairu was wrapped around her shoulders, Kururi nodded in agreement.

Kururi changed back into her usual attire, then After Mairu and Kururi exit the private room. Walking out of the Magazine Tabloid Headquarters.

While the Orihara Twins are casually strolling, heading to their apartment together, which is close by the Tokyo Disaster office building.

Suddenly, the theme song of the newest Vampire Ninja Camille Saizou japanese film, begins to ring in the hoodie pocket, pulling out her phone and seeing that it's Aoba, Mairu answers the call.

"Hey, Aoba, why are you calling?" Mairu asked bluntly, before Aoba could answer back.

"Are you finished with Kururi at her photoshoot for the Tokyo Disaster?" Aoba asked flatly.

"Yes, we just got out and are heading back home now," Mairu replied casually.

"Okay good, let's meet tomorrow at Russia Sushi, me and Kuon. We have plans of making money to help him and some others together and ask you something important if you want to." Aoba exclaimed, through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm free tomorrow." Mairu said casually to Aoba over the phone.

"Good, Kuon-kun and I are hanging out together working on it at the moment. See you later" Aoba hangs up the phone.

Mairu puts the phone with a Carmilla Saizou of her idol actor; Yuuhei Hanajima, in costume on her gray phone cover, back in the pocket of her hoodie.

Mairu started locking arms with Kururi walking back to the Twins shared Apartment. While with the accompaniment of each other, enjoying the silence of the city smiling as they stroll throughout Ikebukuro back to their tiny apartment complex.

"I wonder if brother would enjoy how Ikebukuro has been for the past 6 years," Mairu wondered curiously with a small content on the both of them.

"Probably not but he would enjoy it while it lasts." Kururi replied bluntly.

One Day Later: Russia Sushi

While at Russia Sushi, Mairu was the first to make it to the russian-japanese restaurant and currently by herself, she is waiting for Aoba and Kuon. Simon at the moment is serving regulars like her, Denis is looking out for trouble as he cooks for the customers.

Some minutes have already passed, awaiting the arrival of Aoba and Kuon, she stands up from her back booth of Russia Sushi wanting to speak to the owner, Denis until Aoba along with Kuon arrives at the Sushi eatery. Heading to the bare table where Denis is making a meal for one younger-looking japanese man with short jet black hair, in a Spanish military uniform with all the decorations removed resembling a soldier with a strange wrinkly old man with white hair sitting right across from each other on both ends of the bare sushi table in front of Mairu.

"Hey, Denis-sama are those two weird looking guys. Typical customers of yours here?" Mairu started small talk with Denis to pass the time.

"Well Orihara, there not they have been ordering nothing but noodles for the past hour before you came here to meet up with your buddies," Denis said, bluntly.

"Huh…." Mairu exclaimed, wondering.

Mairu weirded out, walked back to the back booth of the establishment.


The bell ringing at the top of the two sliding-doors is completely open in front of Russia Sushi. Mairu instantly spots Aoba and Kuon, while they both are heading to see in Mairu's booth in the back of the sushi place.

"Aoba-sama and Kuon-kun, it's like I haven't seen you two in years!" Mairu excitedly greeted Aoba and Kuon.

After they were done greeting one another, the first time in months at least to her. All three of them sat down in her booth together with Kuon and Mairu sitting next to each other, Aoba and Kuon blankly stared at Mairu awkwardly for a second until Aoba broke a bit of the silence.

"Kuon-kun and I wanted to ask you something important about your brother, Izaya." Aoba asked to Mairu.

"Well sure I'm all ears. What's this question?" Mairu replied, giving a little happy reluctant smile.

"Kuon-kuon and I think that Izaya had expensive items or viable information in a flash drive for his now abandoned apartment-office in Shinjuku to sell off. Before he was supposedly killed by that Russian assassin woman, Vorona and Shizuo Heiwajima and was wondering if you can help us get it from his apartment." Aoba asked bluntly.

Mairu started leaning head on her fist pouting.

"Well. Izaya, with Kururi and I never really had the greatest sibling relationship in the world but I do remember going there once a few years ago, just not seeing anything else of importance he keeped. Why do you ask?" Mairu replied plainly.

"Because some of the guys like Neko in the Blue Squares and Kuon's older sister, Nozomi, really desperately need the money, we get nothing in return if all to begin with in terms of anything." Kuon replied with concern in his voice.

"I'll need a little bit more convincing." Mairu said, irritated.

He grabbed his phone Kuon from his pants, showing a few pictures with some of the Blue Squares members, all in one home together with Mairu and finally showing one of Nozomi curled up in a ball and Kuon comforting her in the photo.

"This is only for helping out Nozomi and Kuon especially since Kuon, Nozomi and are acquaintances, plus while giving my gang some things to have become they have nothing at least mostly." Aoba specified flatly to Mairu.

"..." Mairu thought about it.

"Ugh….fine I'll do it, but only for this strictly." Mairu said in agreement.

She got up, walked out of the Sushi booth, heading to the front-sliding wooden doorway. Waving goodbye, going outside of Russia Sushi, Mairu made it to the front entrance and opened the sliding door, she stopped at it when she heard Kuon.

"Wait Mairu, where are you going?" Kuon yelled out.

"I'm going to the Tokyo Disaster Headquarters heading to Kururi's new photoshoot for her professional modeling job!" Mairu shouted, back before heading out of the restaurant.

Four Months Later: Ikebukuro

Four months later, Mairu wandered around after leaving the apartment, intending to head to the Ikebukuro Station into an bullet-train to Shinjuku City. Being a few minutes late to catch a train heading to Shinjuku, while she is wandering almost near Station, she accidentally bumps onto a blond-haired adult twenty-eight delinquent with both of them, falling into the pavement.

"Damn, that hurts." Mairu said bluntly, while getting up from the sidewalk.

When the person she ran into stood up after her.

"You in the new generation have it so easy these days!" the blonde-haired guy began to yell at Mairu.

"I'm sorry sir!." Mairu apologetically quickly bows her body and head at the blonde-haired guy.

Mairu ran off away from the blonde guy, she was very close to where she was in the vicinity. Heading to Ikebukuro Station, already far away and gone.

"Damn brats never learn" the blond-haired guy exclaimed to himself.

Suddenly, his phone rings from his black suit in one of his pockets, he grabs it and answers.

"Yeah, I'm here, yes….the operation today is a go…" Horada replied with a sly evil smile.

Hanging up the cellphone after initiating his unknown plan, Horada is near Mairu and Kururi's apartment ran into and passed by the younger Orihara Twin sister, putting it back in his pocket of the suit. He smiled, growing wide, when two individuals started to walk behind him, the young japanese in military uniform and wrinkly old man.

Arrival: Shinjuku

Meanwhile back with Mairu, later on now arriving in Shinjuku City, walking out of Shinjuku Station with the Izaya apartment-office nearby where Aoba and Kuon are waiting for her at the abandoned building.

"Huh…weird…Shinjuku hasn't changed that much after me and Kururi moved away from here to Ikebukuro." Mairu begins to reminisce and remarked.

Mairu is walking in the part of the City where the apartment is located, she confused starts to hear one voice yelling from a distance.

"Mai!" Kuon yelled in front of the apartment office building. Coming from right across the sidewalk where she was standing. "Me and Aoba are literally right in front of you!"

Sprinted as fast as she could to both of the guys. She went to embrace Kuon right after giving him a kiss on the cheek. Aoba looked awkwardly blushing, but kept his composure. All three of them are in front of Izaya's run-down boarded- up apartment office looking upon it with equal amounts of disgust and a bit of curiosity.

"Anyway you two got any idea on how to get in?" Kuon first remarked, while Mairu and Aoba looked at the boarded up building thinking of a plan.

"Maybe, through the elevator if it still works we can get…also the singular security guards are off duty at this time due to being on break and other things so perfect chance to get us inside." Aoba suggested, first on getting into the dilapidated apartment.

Mairu and Kuon nodded in agreement to the plan.

With that, the group of three started to sneak in through the front entrance of the Izaya's building, without notice of the security guard who was flirting with an attractive female bystander. Away from the Izaya apartment office right across the street.

"Come on…go.." Aoba remarked silently.

Mairu with Kuon and Aoba right behind her, both of them.

"Yeah, the lobby was kinda small when I came here, but here's the elevator, they boarded up the stairs. This is only up to the penthouse office" Mairu said, as she and the other two entered the slightly rusted elevator.

She presses the button to head up to the apartment office penthouse. While they are all going up with elevator music, Mairu leaning her back against the back of the wall in the elevator.

Seconds pass by, as all three are in silence as the elevator goes to the office.

Inside: Izaya's Apartment-Office


Arriving on Izaya's section of the building, an apartment office room, one door. Mairu was about to kick down the door to it, but Aoba stopped her before she did it. He uses his elbow slamming into the door at full force, knocking it down onto the floor, after Aoba holds on to his arms.

"Owww!" Aoba yelled in a bit of pain.

After that, they have made it to Izaya's part of the apartment office, while even more dilapidated and boarded up than outside, although the room is still recognizable.

Group began searching, Mairu with the second floor part of the office looking through each informational binders and folders in the bookshelf, Aoba looked though Izaya's personal computer and laptop right next to it he left behind, Kuon stands guard for the two while they search for anything valuable.

She is looking through some of the nooks and crannies of the shelf on the second floor, afterwards. Mairu spots while looking around it again, out of nowhere an USB Flash Drive with a 'special individuals information' sticky note on it. Her curiosity peaked just a bit, and instantly grabbed it without Kuon and Aoba noticing putting it in the hoodie pocket.

"Hey, Mai!" Kuon and Aoba yelled at the same time, from the bottom floor of the apartment office. "Did you find anything yet?"

"No!" Mairu yelled, back from the top floor.

Mairu went in a rush to the side on the top floor, walking down the staircase to Aoba and Kuon after Aoba was searching through Izaya's computers.

"Aoba did you find anything?" Mairu asked bluntly.

"Unfortunately, no, it was surface level information on some people in Ikebukuro and stuff like that" Aoba exclaimed.

"Alright let's go before the security finds us, we will go back the only way we came in the first place…" Kuon said casually to Mairu and Aoba.

Later Mairu's trio, outside of the apartment office building now far from the security guard. Exhausted from all the running back this time exiting out the back door of the building.

"Damn, that was a lot of running, I think no one noticed we were there." Aoba exclaimed, while catching his breath.

"We need to go back to Ikebukuro, before all three of us get spotted by someone." Kuon suggested.

Mairu while she was catching her breath, "Yeah, we need to go…anyways I need to see Kururi at work tomorrow."

After they're done, they all part ways, making their own way back to Ikebukuro. Until tomorrow, the trio. Walking in opposite directions heading their own way.

"Bye!" Aoba yelled and exclaimed.

"See, ya!" Kuon yelled, waving bye.

"See you two tomorrow!" Mairu waved away.

Some Hours Later: Ikebukuro-Mairu & Kururi's Apartment

Back in the district of Ikebukuro, Mairu is strolling through the street to her shared home with Kururi. Arriving right in front of her own and Kururi's apartment, standing she rings the doorbell to let Kururi let herself in but notice as quickly that around her and not hearing her sister's footsteps.

Mairu knocked on the door again just in case, "Kururi, I'm home..."

Luckily, Mairu puts out and uses her spare key to the apartment, which she has on standby. Opening the door, when it opened, in front of her, finding Kururi found tortured blood all over her older sister's face on the wooden floor of their apartment with Kururi's right leg completely bent to the side, bloodied all over her body and clothes, blood coming down the side of her mouth, entire left arm bent and twisted, almost about to pass out on the beak of death.

Mairu quickly ran to Kururi, picking her up by the head slightly holding Kururi in her arms. "Kururi, who did this to you?"

She uses her other hand to pull out the phone from her pocket to call the ambulance to take Kururi to Raira General Hospital, who is on the verge of going unconscious.

"Hello, yes….yes, near Tokyu Hands…my name is Mairu Orihara. My older twin sister Kururi Orihara I found bloodied and possibly tortured in our apartment." Mairu said in a complete panic and wanted to save Kururi. "Please, come as soon as possible please…"

She puts phone back in her pocket. Trying to over and over again shake Kururi awake.

Kururi opened her eyes about to go unconscious. "Ma...Mai...Mairu…sister…"

Mairu, horrified, tries to wake her. But nothing working, stands over the bloody unconscious body of her sister.

To Be Continued

Chapter end

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