Black Iron's Glory Chapter 66

Black Iron's Glory Chapter 66

Chapter 66
Claude on the Roof


Amidst the silent void, Claude used his mental power to trace a hexagram in the air, leaving a trail of faint light behind . Soon, countless points of light appeared in the surrounding space, peppering the void like stars in the night sky . The lights were multi-colored and moved nonstop towards the hexagram .

So these are essence photons . . . I can't usually seem them with eyesight alone and can only detect them with mental power in the void state . . .

The speed of the essence photons Claude could see moving gradually increased . They seemed to be rushing for the hexagram and he didn't understand why the hexagram would attract them so much .

Red ones should be fire elemental essence and according to the diary, green ones should be wood . What are the blue ones then? Water? Those white ones are light, but what are the dark ones? Dark or earth? No, the yellow ones should be earth, so that means the black ones are dark . . . Then what about the silver ones? The gold ones should be lightning, and what color are wind elemental essences?

After staring for a long time, Claude began to wonder .  Wait, what element am I most attuned to? After much observation, he saw that the number of fire essence photons attracted to the hexagram was the most compared to the other essence photons . Apparently, he was also highly attuned to the fire element just like Landes .

Why that saves a lot of trouble, thought Claude gladly . Having high fire affinity meant that he could train according to Landes's diary using the same insights and concepts . He was initially worried that if he was more attuned to some other element than fire, the diaries of Landes could only be used as subpar references . He wouldn't be able to train according to Landes's own experiences .

Following the instructions on the diary, Claude began to use his mental power to slowly rotate the hexagram to apply a filter of sorts around the outer parts of it, letting only fiery-red essence photons through and keeping the others out . It didn't take long before the six triangles in the hexagram gradually filled up with a fiery-red .

Not long after, the six triangles turned bright red . Even in the void state, Claude could feel the heat emanating from the fire element . He felt himself gathering less and less essence photons with each revolution .  That should be enough, right?

Claude then connected the six red triangles with his mental power and guide the essence photons into the hexagon in the middle of the hexagram . That was the conversion of essence photons into mana .

That wasn't difficult in the least . The essence photons within the six fiery-red triangles were quickly siphoned into the central hexagon . However, the triangles dimmed in color while the hexagon seemed like a bottomless hole . Even though so many essence photons were sent into the hexagon, it didn't look red and bright like the triangles . Instead, it was dark as if nothing had changed . Claude did notice that the borders of the hexagon did thicken ever so slightly, giving it a sense of volume .

All the fire essence photons had been transferred into the hexagon . But by then, there were no longer any fire essence photons available in the nearby space to fill it back up . The empty void no longer provided any fire essence photons for him to draw in .

That concluded his first meditation . Landes mentioned in the diary that one ought best not to meditate too often during the start of the training . Otherwise, stressing one's mental power up too much would give searing headaches . It appeared that he had experienced the agony himself .

Claude didn't feel any toll on his mental power, but he didn't want to take any risks, so he didn't continue . Instead, he got back into his attic and looked at his sandglass . Only half an hour had passed, including the time it took for him to get on the roof and calm down . It appeared that if his mental power could support it, he could meditate four more times if he wanted .

So, Claude got back out the attic and started Hexagram Meditation again . But this time around,, when he drew out the hexagram in the void state once more, he found that the three dimensional feeling of the hexagram he saw the first time was no misconception of his . The hexagram he just outlined looked slightly thicker, just like how he left it after his first meditation .

So, Claude got back out the attic and started Hexagram Meditation again . But this time around,, when he drew out the hexagram in the void state once more, he found that the three dimensional feeling of the hexagram he saw the first time was no misconception of his . The hexagram he just outlined looked slightly thicker, just like how he left it after his first meditation .

When the bell of the wargod shrine resounded throughout town, Claude only just noticed that he had meditated throughout the whole night . He had forgotten the number of times he meditated, but it was definitely more than five . He didn't feel any toll on his mental power, nor did he feel the fatigue from staying up through the night . Instead, he felt rather excited and energetic .

Landes forgot to note an important point in the diary, and that was the gradual increase in volume of the hexagram during training . It was no wonder he described the hexagon within the hexagram like a well . When it was filled with mana converted from essence photons, that marked the successful transition to the stage of a first-ranked rune magus .

Perhaps it was an honest mistake on Landes's part . Given that he had penned the diary only after he became a third-ranked rune magus after he finally got his own room in the basement of the magic tower, it was no surprise that he would forget to state some things he took for granted .

Throughout the night of training, The hexagram Claude envisioned in his mind had turned into a flat picture to a solid shape . It was like the size of the tip of his 'pen' used to draw the hexagram had enlarged . Apart from the six triangles on the sides of the hexagon being able to store more fire essence photons, it alsop gave Claude the impression that filling up the hexagonal well in the center wasn't going to be an easy feat, and that it would require more time than that .

So that's why Landes made a point to write that it took him only three months to become a first-ranked rune magus . . . It really is something worth bragging about . Apart from having talent, he also put in a lot of effort . . . But compared to the average apprentice that took around a year or two to achieve the same feat through meditation, the female magus that spent five years at that stage was even more worth sympathizing with . . .

Even though Claude had high fire elemental affinity like Landes, his mental power was also as sensitive as how Landes described his own . As he put it, his hearing was exceptionally good . But Claude didn't think he could be the same as Landes and become a first-ranked rune magus in three short months . He set his own deadline for half a year later . Claude would be satisfied if he could graduate from being a mere apprentice in half a year's time .

As an apprentice magus, he didn't have to do apart from meditation . If he couldn't channel mana out of his body, there wouldn't be a point in learning any other magical skills . Landes noted clearly in his diary that during the time when magical resources were aplenty, apprentice magi could use all sorts of supplies and talismans to cast spells . However, in the age when magical resources were dwindling, apprentice magi woudn't be able to cast spells with anything other than the mana stored in their own bodies .

Claude was in a similar situation . He wouldn't be able to start unpacking the mysteries of magic just because he learned Hexagram Meditation and became an apprentice magus . Though Landes wrote down some magic spells and techniques in the diary, he wouldn't be able to test their effects before he became a first-ranked rune magus and attained the ability to channel mana out of his body .

Claude was in a similar situation . He wouldn't be able to start unpacking the mysteries of magic just because he learned Hexagram Meditation and became an apprentice magus . Though Landes wrote down some magic spells and techniques in the diary, he wouldn't be able to test their effects before he became a first-ranked rune magus and attained the ability to channel mana out of his body .

As for using magical resources to cast spells . . . Claude didn't know what they were, let alone find and use them . Landes wrote a diary, not an encyclopedia . There was no way he would indicate what sorts of magical resources could be used to level up . He only noted down the few kinds he used as a rune magus's assistant when he helped out with some experiments .

Claude made up his mind to focus on training in his meditation technique and rely on the accumulation of time and effort to become a first-ranked rune magus . Only then can he keep up with the information in the latter pages of Landes's diary . Rice had to be eaten mouthful by mouthful, just like how a path had to be traversed step by step .

As the overnight meditation didn't leave Claude the slightest bit uncomfortable and instead boosted his energy for the next two days, Claude decided to use meditation to replace sleep . That way, he could save more time .

But during the third night of doing so, Claude woke up from meditation only to notice that the lights downstairs were lit and there was a large crowd outside his house . All the rooms in the red-bricked mansion were lit with oil lamps and people chattering about could be heard .

What's going on? It's this late in the night . . . Has there been a fire? Claude still coudln't make out what was going on .

But soon, he could hear flustered footsteps rushing up his room and the sound of his siblings crying after being startled out of their sleep, sandwiched between the unrelenting bark of the snowhound .

The hurried footsteps got louder before the door to his attic was almost slammed open . His father urgently called, "Claude! Claude . . . "

"I . . . I'm here!" He was completely flabbergasted .  What's wrong? Was I discovered to be meditating on the roof?

"You . . . . what are you doing on the roof?!" yelled Morssen when he realized that everything was normal in the attic .

"I . . . I'm here!" He was completely flabbergasted .  What's wrong? Was I discovered to be meditating on the roof?

"You . . . . what are you doing on the roof?!" yelled Morssen when he realized that everything was normal in the attic .

"The . . . the attic was a little too stuffy, so, I . . . I got up the roof for some fresh air and fell asleep," Claude said, hurriedly finding an excuse for himself, "Father, what's going on?"

"What's going on? You dare to ask?!" Morssen snapped angrily, "Get in first and we'll talk!"

Claude obediently reentered the attic and only got hold of what was going on after much fuss .

The whole incident played out rather simply . During midnight, one of the guards patrolling the town passed by and unintentionally noticed a person lying on top of the roof of the red-bricked mention and started to get anxious about it .  This is the residence of the town's chief secretary, Morssen! A thief actually dared to climb up the roof?! he thought, before he gathered his men to surround the mansion and knocked on the door to run a search just in case the alleged thief had others working with him .

Claude was heavily reprimanded by his father . "Well? You tell me that you're up on the roof just because it's cooler up there? Putting aside how you managed to wake up all the residents of the mansion, you even fell asleep on the rooftop! What if you accidently roll down the roof? This is ridiculous . . . Where do you get that kind of courage . . . "

Morssen was fuming with anger, but the patrol captain looked incredibly apologetic . "Umm . . . Sir Morssen, since it was a misunderstanding, we shall leave now . Apologies for interrupting your night . "

"Don't apologize . What you did was right," Morssen said, retaining his rationality before his subordinates, "Thank you so much for your efforts . If it hadn't been for your alertness in noticing this, my foolish son might've really ended up in big trouble . As a father, I thank you from the bottom of my heart . "

After sending the patrol captain off, Morssen put his angry face back on . "It's four in the morning, so scramble back to sleep! I'll deal with you in the morning!"

Claude on the Roof

.  .

Amidst the silent void, Claude used his mental power to trace a hexagram in the air, leaving a trail of faint light behind . Soon, countless points of light appeared in the surrounding space, peppering the void like stars in the night sky . The lights were multi-colored and moved nonstop towards the hexagram

So these are essence photons . I can't usually seem them with eyesight alone and can only detect them with mental power in the void state

The speed of the essence photons Claude could see moving gradually increased . They seemed to be rushing for the hexagram and he didn't understand why the hexagram would attract them so much

Red ones should be fire elemental essence and according to the diary, green ones should be wood . What are the blue ones then? Water? Those white ones are light, but what are the dark ones? Dark or earth? No, the yellow ones should be earth, so that means the black ones are dark . Then what about the silver ones? The gold ones should be lightning, and what color are wind elemental essences?.

After staring for a long time, Claude began to wonder .  Wait, what element am I most attuned to? After much observation, he saw that the number of fire essence photons attracted to the hexagram was the most compared to the other essence photons . Apparently, he was also highly attuned to the fire element just like Landes

Why that saves a lot of trouble, thought Claude gladly . Having high fire affinity meant that he could train according to Landes's diary using the same insights and concepts . He was initially worried that if he was more attuned to some other element than fire, the diaries of Landes could only be used as subpar references . He wouldn't be able to train according to Landes's own experiences

Following the instructions on the diary, Claude began to use his mental power to slowly rotate the hexagram to apply a filter of sorts around the outer parts of it, letting only fiery-red essence photons through and keeping the others out . It didn't take long before the six triangles in the hexagram gradually filled up with a fiery-red

Not long after, the six triangles turned bright red . Even in the void state, Claude could feel the heat emanating from the fire element . He felt himself gathering less and less essence photons with each revolution .  That should be enough, right?.

Claude then connected the six red triangles with his mental power and guide the essence photons into the hexagon in the middle of the hexagram . That was the conversion of essence photons into mana

That wasn't difficult in the least . The essence photons within the six fiery-red triangles were quickly siphoned into the central hexagon . However, the triangles dimmed in color while the hexagon seemed like a bottomless hole . Even though so many essence photons were sent into the hexagon, it didn't look red and bright like the triangles . Instead, it was dark as if nothing had changed . Claude did notice that the borders of the hexagon did thicken ever so slightly, giving it a sense of volume

All the fire essence photons had been transferred into the hexagon . But by then, there were no longer any fire essence photons available in the nearby space to fill it back up . The empty void no longer provided any fire essence photons for him to draw in

That concluded his first meditation . Landes mentioned in the diary that one ought best not to meditate too often during the start of the training . Otherwise, stressing one's mental power up too much would give searing headaches . It appeared that he had experienced the agony himself

Claude didn't feel any toll on his mental power, but he didn't want to take any risks, so he didn't continue . Instead, he got back into his attic and looked at his sandglass . Only half an hour had passed, including the time it took for him to get on the roof and calm down . It appeared that if his mental power could support it, he could meditate four more times if he wanted

So, Claude got back out the attic and started Hexagram Meditation again . But this time around,, when he drew out the hexagram in the void state once more, he found that the three dimensional feeling of the hexagram he saw the first time was no misconception of his . The hexagram he just outlined looked slightly thicker, just like how he left it after his first meditation

When the bell of the wargod shrine resounded throughout town, Claude only just noticed that he had meditated throughout the whole night . He had forgotten the number of times he meditated, but it was definitely more than five . He didn't feel any toll on his mental power, nor did he feel the fatigue from staying up through the night . Instead, he felt rather excited and energetic

Landes forgot to note an important point in the diary, and that was the gradual increase in volume of the hexagram during training . It was no wonder he described the hexagon within the hexagram like a well . When it was filled with mana converted from essence photons, that marked the successful transition to the stage of a first-ranked rune magus

Perhaps it was an honest mistake on Landes's part . Given that he had penned the diary only after he became a third-ranked rune magus after he finally got his own room in the basement of the magic tower, it was no surprise that he would forget to state some things he took for granted

Throughout the night of training, The hexagram Claude envisioned in his mind had turned into a flat picture to a solid shape . It was like the size of the tip of his 'pen' used to draw the hexagram had enlarged . Apart from the six triangles on the sides of the hexagon being able to store more fire essence photons, it alsop gave Claude the impression that filling up the hexagonal well in the center wasn't going to be an easy feat, and that it would require more time than that

So that's why Landes made a point to write that it took him only three months to become a first-ranked rune magus . It really is something worth bragging about . Apart from having talent, he also put in a lot of effort . But compared to the average apprentice that took around a year or two to achieve the same feat through meditation, the female magus that spent five years at that stage was even more worth sympathizing with

Even though Claude had high fire elemental affinity like Landes, his mental power was also as sensitive as how Landes described his own . As he put it, his hearing was exceptionally good . But Claude didn't think he could be the same as Landes and become a first-ranked rune magus in three short months . He set his own deadline for half a year later . Claude would be satisfied if he could graduate from being a mere apprentice in half a year's time

As an apprentice magus, he didn't have to do apart from meditation . If he couldn't channel mana out of his body, there wouldn't be a point in learning any other magical skills . Landes noted clearly in his diary that during the time when magical resources were aplenty, apprentice magi could use all sorts of supplies and talismans to cast spells . However, in the age when magical resources were dwindling, apprentice magi woudn't be able to cast spells with anything other than the mana stored in their own bodies

Claude was in a similar situation . He wouldn't be able to start unpacking the mysteries of magic just because he learned Hexagram Meditation and became an apprentice magus . Though Landes wrote down some magic spells and techniques in the diary, he wouldn't be able to test their effects before he became a first-ranked rune magus and attained the ability to channel mana out of his body

As for using magical resources to cast spells . Claude didn't know what they were, let alone find and use them . Landes wrote a diary, not an encyclopedia . There was no way he would indicate what sorts of magical resources could be used to level up . He only noted down the few kinds he used as a rune magus's assistant when he helped out with some experiments

Claude made up his mind to focus on training in his meditation technique and rely on the accumulation of time and effort to become a first-ranked rune magus . Only then can he keep up with the information in the latter pages of Landes's diary . Rice had to be eaten mouthful by mouthful, just like how a path had to be traversed step by step

As the overnight meditation didn't leave Claude the slightest bit uncomfortable and instead boosted his energy for the next two days, Claude decided to use meditation to replace sleep . That way, he could save more time

But during the third night of doing so, Claude woke up from meditation only to notice that the lights downstairs were lit and there was a large crowd outside his house . All the rooms in the red-bricked mansion were lit with oil lamps and people chattering about could be heard

What's going on? It's this late in the night . Has there been a fire? Claude still coudln't make out what was going on

But soon, he could hear flustered footsteps rushing up his room and the sound of his siblings crying after being startled out of their sleep, sandwiched between the unrelenting bark of the snowhound

The hurried footsteps got louder before the door to his attic was almost slammed open . His father urgently called, "Claude! Claude . ".

"I . I'm here!" He was completely flabbergasted .  What's wrong? Was I discovered to be meditating on the roof?.

"You what are you doing on the roof?!" yelled Morssen when he realized that everything was normal in the attic

"The . the attic was a little too stuffy, so, I . I got up the roof for some fresh air and fell asleep," Claude said, hurriedly finding an excuse for himself, "Father, what's going on?".

"What's going on? You dare to ask?!" Morssen snapped angrily, "Get in first and we'll talk!".

Claude obediently reentered the attic and only got hold of what was going on after much fuss

The whole incident played out rather simply . During midnight, one of the guards patrolling the town passed by and unintentionally noticed a person lying on top of the roof of the red-bricked mention and started to get anxious about it .  This is the residence of the town's chief secretary, Morssen! A thief actually dared to climb up the roof?! he thought, before he gathered his men to surround the mansion and knocked on the door to run a search just in case the alleged thief had others working with him

Claude was heavily reprimanded by his father . "Well? You tell me that you're up on the roof just because it's cooler up there? Putting aside how you managed to wake up all the residents of the mansion, you even fell asleep on the rooftop! What if you accidently roll down the roof? This is ridiculous . Where do you get that kind of courage . ".

Morssen was fuming with anger, but the patrol captain looked incredibly apologetic . "Umm . Sir Morssen, since it was a misunderstanding, we shall leave now . Apologies for interrupting your night . ".

"Don't apologize . What you did was right," Morssen said, retaining his rationality before his subordinates, "Thank you so much for your efforts . If it hadn't been for your alertness in noticing this, my foolish son might've really ended up in big trouble . As a father, I thank you from the bottom of my heart . ".

After sending the patrol captain off, Morssen put his angry face back on . "It's four in the morning, so scramble back to sleep! I'll deal with you in the morning!".

Chapter end

Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 570
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
Chapter 562
Chapter 561
Chapter 560
Chapter 559
Chapter 558
Chapter 557
Chapter 556
Chapter 555
Chapter 554
Chapter 553
Chapter 552
Chapter 551
Chapter 550
Chapter 549
Chapter 548
Chapter 547
Chapter 546
Chapter 545
Chapter 544
Chapter 543
Chapter 542
Chapter 541
Chapter 540
Chapter 539
Chapter 538
Chapter 537
Chapter 536
Chapter 535
Chapter 534
Chapter 533
Chapter 532
Chapter 531
Chapter 530
Chapter 529
Chapter 528
Chapter 527
Chapter 526
Chapter 525
Chapter 524
Chapter 523
Chapter 522
Chapter 521
Chapter 520
Chapter 519
Chapter 518
Chapter 517
Chapter 516
Chapter 515
Chapter 514
Chapter 513
Chapter 512
Chapter 511
Chapter 510
Chapter 509
Chapter 508
Chapter 507
Chapter 506
Chapter 505
Chapter 504
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 498
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
Chapter 488
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 485
Chapter 484
Chapter 483
Chapter 482
Chapter 481
Chapter 480 – Aftermath and Self
Chapter 479
Chapter 478
Chapter 477
Chapter 476
Chapter 475
Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
Chapter 468
Chapter 467
Chapter 466
Chapter 465
Chapter 464
Chapter 463
Chapter 462
Chapter 461
Chapter 460
Chapter 459
Chapter 458
Chapter 457
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
Chapter 451
Chapter 450
Chapter 449
Chapter 448
Chapter 447
Chapter 446
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 430
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
Chapter 418
Chapter 417
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
Chapter 412
Chapter 411
Chapter 410
Chapter 409
Chapter 408
Chapter 407
Chapter 406
Chapter 405
Chapter 404
Chapter 403
Chapter 402
Chapter 401
Chapter 400
Chapter 399
Chapter 398
Chapter 397
Chapter 396
Chapter 395
Chapter 394
Chapter 393
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390
Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
Chapter 386
Chapter 385
Chapter 384
Chapter 383
Chapter 382
Chapter 381
Chapter 380
Chapter 379
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356
Chapter 355
Chapter 354
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
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Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 325
Chapter 324
Chapter 323
Chapter 322
Chapter 321
Chapter 320
Chapter 319
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315
Chapter 314
Chapter 313
Chapter 312
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
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Chapter 195
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Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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