Story takes place 6 years after the events of Durarara SH. During the year of 2011, Mairu Orihara finds in their own apartment. her older twin sister, Kururi Orihara bloodied and tortured gets into a coma. The Orihara Sisters are being hunted down by powerful people and not alike, Mairu is trying to find out who did it, will she get her revenge and closure? Mikado scheming as a information broker, tragic story with Anri & Erika and a older teenage Akane Awakusu & Iroha Mayuzumi Raira subplot and Baccano, Vamp!, and Etsusa Bridge characters.
Somehow it also involves Celty, her dullahan head, Immortals, old gangsters, assassins, mercenaries, alchemists, thieves, thugs, and Izaya thats being researched by the Nebula Corporation, mega-conglomerate, ever-changing chaotic situations ensues in Ikebukuro.
Part 1 of the (main) trilogy, tagline: "This is a twisted story. A twisted love, hate and family story"
Current Arc: Introduction Arc (ongoing)
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